Think about it. What if aliens hurled a giant rock at earth to kill off the dinosaurs and make room for evolution of mammals into humans? For example, what if the aliens saw earth as a really good candidate for a live able planet, they just needed to work out some conditions that make it possible for humans to thrive in. So they hurled a meteor at the earth along with some monkey organism type stuff, making sure to kill all the giant predator type species that could harm the human's growth, and eventually we will become what we are today.
Sources say that the meteor that killed off everything happened around 65 million years ago and the first monkeys were around 55 million years ago. That's an extremely short time for monkeys to start existing relatively quickly after a mass extinction event.
We are such a dominate species like none the earth has ever seen before. We can dream up unfathomable devices and technology that it doesn't seem like it's possible to slow down. We want to leave the earth and our desire to explore the universe will never wear thin. I have no doubt in my mind that unless something catastrophic happens (which is probably very likely nowadays) we will explore that universe and become the aliens we dream and worry about.
So how does this theory sound. I have like a little bit of doubt in my mind that we came from aliens in that meteor event. Just seems like a pretty big coincidence to me.
Submitted February 24, 2016 at 11:19PM by Thenotsogaypirate
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