This regarding the post "Guys Listen" that was posted to the internet yesterday.
I see that there's a lot of activity in the comments. A lot of questions as well as jokes on my use of the word "guys". I don't blame you, it's funny. It was a highly unusual post. In fact, you don't know exactly how weird, and that is what I will attempt to shed light on here. I woke up this morning and started to go through my normal routine. At work, I had a urge to check my email where I found a message sent from a "Naomi" with the link to the "guys listen" post. I sat in literal shock as I didn't remember any of that or anything having to do with the encounter before reading what I had "typed". As I read though, most of it came back to me clear as day. I'm going to first explain how the message was posted and why I sounded so frantic, but let me start by saying I don't use drugs, not even marijuana. I'm a 30+ year old male, and I'm from the U.S.
The post was communicated in a confusing way as it contained a lot of half thoughts, and rushed explanation as I was channeling thoughts while being extremely nervous and shaken and top of that under a short time constraint and in a rush to express as much as possible about what was going. Consider that I had been changed into various animals just moments prior. I was not calm. The "guys listen", "guys understand.." phrases that you all got a kick out of was just pure nervousness.
OK, I'll try to start at the top. I'm going to called the beings that I encountered "aliens" just to keep thing simplified. I no longer remember the alien in my apartment communicating with me but I remember most things about being inside the ship. It seems that there is a memory block on recalling the being or anything about the ship, either that or something prevents one (or just ME) from describing it. I remember at the time being able to perceive the alien and the ship but not being able to speak about them or describe them, even in my mind, and this is the reason I could not describe the craft in not even the most minute of details. I attempted to add information about the alien in the post but I guess they would have none of it.
OK, I was on their craft, or what seemed to be a craft. You can tell it was moving, otherwise it was just a large space of a strange color. Had there not being signs that we were moving, I would have thought we were in some sort of static structure. The alien that I did the most interacting with, I perceived to be constantly switching between a male and female human essence (Alien-A). Not that its appearance was changing, but the alien is in your mind so you kind of "feel" its essence in a way. On the craft were 2 other aliens (running back and forth doing routine maintenance/upkeep - i'll call them Alien-B and Alien-C) and three humans (2 women and 1 man) that were dressed and standing upright with their eyes closed. They were breathing and appeared to be in a deep sleep. Once in a while Alien-B would assist Alien-A on whatever he was doing.
The first thing they did was their experiment. Alien-B told me that I would become different earthly creatures. I started to panic and they assured me I'd be fine and that I'd have no lasting issues from it. He also made it clear that I could not turn back now. He shined a light in my face and just like that I was an African wild dog for what seemed like a half hour. I was with a pack and lived in a world of scents and found comfort in familiar things. I was still thinking in alien language but I was conscious that I was a human, but I had to do things the dog way. I was living off of instinct. Listen, dogs aren't color blind, in fact its the opposite, also their motion tracking is way beyond that of a human. They don't see as clearly as us but their nose and eyes work together in amazing way. That ended with me being stomped or kicked by something that I think was a rhino. I'm not sure if I died as a dog or what happened, but then I was back in the craft and they were ready for round two which was a house cat in Britain, as which i was hearing other cats "calling" me from a mile away. I escaped the house and ran to freedom. After that, I was frog in some sort of swamp like environment, and afterwards, I was some sort of mantis, which was probably the best experience as I could see almost 360 degrees at once as well as every single little movement. I could track at least 4 things at a time and zoom in and out like a camera in split seconds. After that they told me that I could relax, and asked me if I had questions for them. I asked them about the experiment. They declined to answer but said that the mantis is very similar to a different species of alien but they don't know the true relation between the two.
After that whole thing was over, Alien-A asked a few questions, most of which I cant remember and we had a good conversation about life in which the Alien made clear to me that it could not answer some of the questions I had as it would cause my mind great harm. It likened it to code in a computer that the computer cannot process and that would cause it to lock up. He said something along the lines of "you can take the computer to fix, but not your mind". He did asssure me that man will eventually reach a new stage but also said that man's limitations are self imposed, which I'll get to later.
We didn't speak in English, nor did I speak with my mouth. Its a telepathic thing where you don't even have to really think of what you want to say. What you actually want to say just flows out uninhibited. You just have to regulate the speed of flow, you have to have some control over your mind. Controlling it is similar how to would do a water faucet, but with no hands and a mental "handle". What I experiencing at that time in my mind was rapid clicking sounds as well as visual images. I was communicating back in the same fashion. In the conversation, Alien-A asked my opinion on human life and I gave generally pleasant answers, saying basically its enjoyable, I also mentioned perhaps too short, perhaps too much focus on youth, too much disease, too much focus on money. Alien-A told me that they don't have concept of age, that they've gone beyond age and death eons ago. It was made clear, that they expire only to re-appear somewhere else in the universe with their knowledge and skills in tact, perhaps with a different physical form. So they have to know about most of the universe so that they are able to survive wherever they end up.
Alien-B then mentioned that the universe is infinite, so their exploration is endless. I asked if all aliens are the same and the Alien said something along the lines of "No, but I'm not racist" -- I kid you not. It clearly came off as a joke although they themselves didn't show signs of humor. He told me that there are endless other types of aliens in the universe, and that his type has communicated with many, mostly telepathically, as they are wary of visiting strange places as they don't know the abilities of other beings. Alien-B told me sometime during this trip that every known alien species is more advanced than human due to being around much much longer, but that humans have taken on a different trajectory that aliens find fascinating, but that we need guidance as not to completely destroy ourselves. I was told that we are always being monitored like the ants in the ant farm, but just like the ant can't perceive the human watching him, the human generally cannot perceive the alien even though it may be right in front of your face: "because you have been taught that it is something else". It was also said clear to me that the "big bang theory is bullshit", though it was said by the sleeping female human (I'll get to this later as well).
Alien-A told me that all things living and some things inanimate are a functioning part of the universe and all have their own wavelength that can be used to communicate directly mentally. He told me that humans are experts of making microcosms of reality after which he stated that the way the internet works is a smaller, simpler way of how universal reality works as far as communication.
I don't know what I forgot or left out, but after a while I asked if I would remember the things we spoke about when I came back to "reality". They told me I'd be able to recall some of it and that the memories of all of it will be there but stored in a certain part of the brain that few people can access and also in a sketchy part of the cosmos which they likened to a "cloud drive". It was explained to me that this is where memories and experiences for humans are stored and that when a humans really wants to remember something "long lost" that has actually left their this is where that info comes from. The reason it takes time to remember it is because there is a "download" time according to how cluttered a person's brain is. I asked if our saved thoughts can be interpreted, altered, or interfered with by others in the cosmos and the answer was along the lines of "I don't doubt it". This is when they telepathically showed me a presentation about the limits of humans, in which the lost abilities were explained, one being "unseen colors" and one or two "tele" or ESP related abilities. The also showed a magnetic man and another guy that I think was conducting or generating electricity through his body, to which they said something about "new potential". They then showed me what I called "unseen color" which instantly gave me a pounding headache that actually made me cry. (This is why later, when I communicated later I said just thinking of it is making me cry, it wasn't because of beauty, it was because my brain was probably being blow trying to make sense of what I was witnessing).
This is when the Alien started to talk about technology and its origins, and in that conversation I stated my opinion that human technology is just as good as it is bad. The alien told me that over time, humans were in contact with alien or humanoid looking aliens that gave them technology or flat out invented things and taught and that whenever things stagnate on earth technologically in some aspect of science, more "genius" will come and get them out of the stump as if on call (not all "geniuses" are but if no 100% human cant get out out of the rut, a humanoid will kickstart the operation somehow, as its what they're destined to do. They also fly through schooling in order to be able to help at an earlier age) I was told that alien seed is running through humankind in all aspects of life, so there will be geniuses and innovators in EVERY aspect of life. They urged that the past and the forefather things not be forgotten. One of the things they enjoy most is music. One Alien-B stated that it was the "best" human invention. I should mention that there was a djembe drum and an electric guitar on the craft.
I wanted to see if I was dreaming, which I'm sure I wasn't (unless you all who reading this are existing right now in my dream), so I asked if I could communicate somehow to earth from the ship. I was asked what I would talk about, and I let them know I wanted to communicate some of the things they told me as well as my experiences. They agreed, and Alien-C which said nothing (at least nothing that I could perceive) the entire time, came and stood next to me, and the male "sleeping" human, walked over to the other side of me. When I turned and saw him, I was startled and started to shake especially since he was walking around with his eyes closed. A-C communicated some to the human that I could not translate, and after a few seconds, the human spoke in English with his mouth and said "you're on the internet, you're on reddit, you're on (something else).. talk". As soon as he said talk I felt my presence being split between where I was with aliens and somewhere on earth. I could feel that I was somewhere in front of a computer, but I could not FULLY perceive that, because it wasn't me physically there. It was someone else, but my presence was heavily there as if I was in the person's mind. The alien planted some sort of timer in my mind, I cant tell how much time it was but it was only a few seconds. So I started to communicate telepathically in the same way I had been doing the whole time, through controlled thought flow and occasionally words in English. Somehow the Alien-C and the Male Human facilitated some sort of connection or channeling to a third human or humanoid that was on earth that did the typing on reddit, and "guys listen" was created.
Some people were asking about "typos" or "how I registered" the account. Any typos you see are a result of the person typing. That were typing at the speed of thought and at the same time I'm correcting errors in my thinking, stuttering and going backwards to fill in details that I may have left out. So with the speed of everything that was going on. That's how the text came out how it did. Also after reading the post today, i see that communicating mentally with English words, alien "language" or images made a difference on not only the grammar, but also how I was being interpreted. Also the dots-dashes thing of the alien DNA came about because there in no equivalent for that word which i said in their language,, why it came out as dots and dashes, I don't know.
To people that were offended by me saying that "our scientists know nothing". Obviously, I meant in relation to what is out there. I didn't mean to offend, as research has done great things for us.. but there's more.
Thanks to everyone that ran "guys", "listen", and "guys listen" into the ground. I have to admit though you guys are great, especially pizza hut guy.
I want to thank everyone who has cursed me out in the original comment. Always great to communicate in the good ol' human language again.
If you want to know how "Agemi" was registered, I don't know, you'd have to ask the sleeping human or the alien.
If you are wondering how I am able to type as "Agemi" now, its because I just instinctively knew the password. When I saw the post I just knew how to log into it. That's the best way I can explain it. Pretty sure they told me or implanted it in my head along with the initial thought to check my email.
What does "Agemi" mean? I don't know.
There's more but I'm getting tired. maybe I'll tell more in the future, as there are some other interesting things that happened afterwards. One being one of the female human was awakened at some point and instantly tried to pick a fist fight with the alien.
Oh yeah you have to understand something, mos tof the things in the universe are beyond the walls of what we know and what we've learned. They're are literally OUTSIDE of our comprehension. Think about that. What we know does not apply in most in most cases, the laws of nature than govern does NOT necessarily apply to them, and/or they can manipulate this. Please just ponder that... that reminds me, I said I would touch on how Alien-A told me that human limit ourselves.. they said too much labeling, too rigid, not abstract enough. Things have to either be this.. or that.. classic human logic. Which differs form universal logic which a much more dynamic thing with more dimensions to every aspect of life. Alien-A specifically told me something like "seeing things in shades of grey as FIRST as a natural instinct instead of in black and white, is one of the keys to progression".
(edited for readibilty as format was wild when pasted)
Submitted March 01, 2016 at 10:50PM by Agemi
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