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Friday, April 1, 2016

What doesn't make sense about supposed aliens..

Should preface this by saying that as a science teacher, I absolutely believe in aliens, because I understand the scope and size of the known universe, its almost a mathematical impossibility that they dont exist. Billions of stars in the milky way, likely trillions of planets, then billions more galaxies out there, and this is just in the KNOWN universe, it may be infinite for all anyone knows. Look at it from a science perspective, mathematically they must exist, even if only one in a million planets has life, you wiuld still be looking at millions of civilizations. Look at it even from a creationist perspective, how can anyone believe in God and believe that he created a seemingly infinite amount of space and only populated one tiny spec of it here on Earth. Point is, no matter what your belief's or where you are coming from, making the case AGAINST alien life is absurdly close minded and naive I think.

That said, here is what makes no sense, maybe someone can help me here. Knowing how far it is between stars, and knowing its pretty safe to say we are the only intelligent species on "our" solar system, any aliens coming here would have to be radically more advanced than we are. Perhaps they started developing around the time the dinosaurs ruled here and never had any extinction events on their world, they would be tens maybe hundreds of millions of years ahead of us. So taking into consideration how advanced they would need to be to make the trip, and considering WE even now have satellites that can take hi-def pictures of the reading material we are looking at while sitting on the toilets in our own bathrooms from space, and infrared that can see right through solid objects, wouldn't it be safe to assume that they would have surveillance tech many magnitudes beyond our own? And if this is the case, why do we hear all of these stories of grey's skulking around in peoples houses, looking through windows, it makes no sense whatsoever lol They shouldnt need to sneek around the house on foot to watch us or even take us? What am I missing here? lol

Submitted April 02, 2016 at 12:10AM by Geralt_of_Rivia- http://ift.tt/1UJLfzL

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