Remember when you believed in Santa? Then you opened a closet and found all the gifts your parents hid that showed up under the tree as coming from Santa. You finally KNEW the truth. There was no Santa. What then? You want to tell people what you learned! But your parents say "don't spoil the mystery, it's a secret!" The guilt stops you from talking for a while but then you tell your sister, or your best friend. Then you want to tell the kids at recess and watch as they one by one have that aha moment when their discovery of the truth takes away some of their innocence. And you feel guilty again. Then you put together all the pieces of the Easter bunny, no tooth fairy either. It's all become clear to you. But it's hearsay, just your word for it. It's not provable. All you have are your experiences. And its truly frustrating when kids don't believe you and they hang onto their childish beliefs in spite of the truth you're telling them. You know, and some of them know too even if they don't say, but most of the kids in your class still believe what their parents told them and you have to accept that your truth isn't enough for them. They have to learn on their own, when they're ready to accept it, and who knows when that will be?
That is what it is like for those who really know the answers about Aliens. They can tell you their stories, which will be laughed at and ridiculed, but only believed by a very few. Most shut down at that point and don't discuss it much anymore. Those who learn the truth make it a priority to keep searching for more answers, in secret if they must, but they are determined to understand the full picture. Because it doesn't make sense that you know a truth that seems obvious, and was proven to you beyond a shadow of a doubt. But most people snicker at the idea or dismiss it out of hand, or say they'll wait for official proof from a source they trust. What they mean is, they don't trust you.
Feeling that pain of rejection is the greatest pitfall of knowing the truth. You can keep it to yourself. You can try to find like minded people who also really know the answers too, and only discuss it with them, even while constantly being mistrusted. Talking about it could also get you in serious trouble which is a big fear. Or you can ask to have your memories of the truth wiped so you can go back to the magical thinking that we're the only ones in the universe.
If you know, you want everyone to know. And until that happens, however it happens, you will be an outsider from the majority of people you know in life. Not everyone who knows can handle this...not well anyway. That is the struggle. That is the truth.
Submitted May 17, 2016 at 03:04AM by garbotalk
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