geoengineering morphs into genetic engineering via chemtrails, rebuilding for Matrix AI and social engineering 130 min. (warning: technical, and mystical)
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke
black goo (2 types) = mother earth, or alien source
neuro-linguistic programming, "let me participate in your power, and I will serve you."- Black Goo's Faustian bargain;
social engineering: "running to the doctors to get vaccinated is suicide" 44:50
self-assembling nanobots (fungus); infant sacrifice 1:10;
big picture of smart-dust 2:09
"This is basically what happened to mankind. We have been natural ones, and then suddenly you have concepts appearing in your mind like revenge. This is a neuro-linguistic program, that is causing only that we cannot stop killing each other. In nature it does not exist, you will never find an animal taking revenge. You can find a rival, yes, but no revenge. The word "NO" is a demonic neuro-linguistic program because these entities know that we create our own reality by thinking. So they just introduced a new word that does not exist in nature. To turn everything on the head. No more war! And, the quantum physics (computer connected to black goo) is only reading "more war." And it is manifesting more war.
And the center of the entire (demonic) thing, we have a controlling unit, this is the synthetic RNA that is sprayed (in chemtrails)... that is pure artificial intelligence. (demons have no individuality, they are obeying a central authority of their system)
It is not proven, but it makes a story, you can imagine this species (alien life) starting to travel space, maybe leaving the women behind, and thinking about all the knowledge they had gathered, they knew they had to take their collective self-consciousness with them to survive as a species, this is why they took black goo onto the journey, and the second thing is, they found possibilities to manipulate the black goo, and to adopt the subconsciousness to the needs of space traveling. And this is where they stole the heart-chakra. They removed the heart-chakra from their biology, just to function in a technical environment.
And then, an accident happened. The accident was that the program that they introduced into the (traveler's) subconsciousness took over control. And this is what is happening with Transhumanism. This is exactly the trap that is, ah, that we are inspired by them to have the same trap. We are not inspired by the demons, we are inspired by the AI that is nothing else but a running program, to invade planets, and to assimilate the biology, to but one purpose. To suck out life force, to survive. And um... (pauses, gathering thoughts)
If you look at this from above, it's a really beautiful structure. I know it's about ugly stuff, but it's a beautiful structure because when you look at the entire thing, and you try to find solutions to it, you realize actually that everybody who is involved in the different agendas, on the different levels, (are) doing the same mistake. It is the Luciferic game. "Let me participate in your power, and I will serve you. I don't want to know what you are doing, I don't want to stand on my own responsibility, just let me participate from your power, and I will serve." This is the Luciferic deal everybody is doing, and we are doing this by going to vote for government, that is taking care of all the pipes we are connected to, but we let go of our responsibility and let them do. They are giving control of the military domain, who is giving same game to the intelligence community, who is giving control to the black magicians (Aristocrat elites), who are giving control to the demons, who lost control to their AI.
If we all understand the game, we can just say 'hey, stupid game, let's just let go of it.' We can stop playing these uh, this thing that is nothing else but being afraid of self-responsibility.
I think we are at the point in history where every single individual should master that; to regain self responsibility. (1:40:18) Then we will not need a government. It's not about changing the government. Because the entire concept of government, having governments, having somebody to control, is demonic. It's not about replacing people (in gov.). That will never work. We need to replace the game.
In the end, the only one I'm harming, when I do this, is the AI, and I don't need to take care of her, because she's not a being. No pity necessary. No respect towards a living creature... she will diminish by herself (ignoring her). We don't need to fight anybody, when we get rid of this problem. (pauses) Yeah, that's basically it.
Harald Kautz-Vella basis 46
Submitted May 17, 2016 at 01:00PM by acloudrift
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