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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Un-explainable sounds and sensation due to aliens.

Yesterday, something weird went on that I believe to be alien related. Some details seem unnecessary, but they might have a bit to do with the whole encounter.

So me and my girlfriend frequent a local park, and decided to go check it for the afternoon. Behind this park is an animal reserve/nature park thing that had been abandoned for a while, but had recently been reopened. We decided to sneak in and perhaps get a bit sexual, since these kind of public things get us going. So we enter a trail, and soon after find bench. I take a seat, and she starts going down on me. This whole time, mosquitoes are eating us up, so we decide to just call it a loss and leave. As i'm about to get up, we hear a plane go over us. It is very loud and obvious since we live fairly close to the only airport in nearby cities. By the time I finish buttoning up my pants, we hear this new sound...

It sounded like what you would imagine a giant ship falling into the earth would sound like in a video game. But the weird thing was that the sound was going right over me, towards the direction my body was pointing for about 3 seconds, then all of a sudden it went quiet for 1/2 a second. Then a new noise went in the opposite direction of that sound, almost as if it retraced its steps. This new sound was like if you shape your mouth like you are about to whistle, but instead suck air in and at the same time slowly close your lips. Like the last part of taking in a deep breath. It stopped at the same point that the original sound started, and then went back in the original direction in the original sound but even faster. This time the noise disappeared into the distance.

What was especially interesting was that my anxiety kicked in as soon as the noise started, without even having the chance to guess what it was. My anxiety is not that severe, not at all, but I would get small episodes when I would be around people doing drugs, or hearing people argue to the point that they are going to fight, or when i did not feel safe. Basically, whenever my body feels like it is in danger, it kicks in. I get nervous, my body starts to tingle, and my vision gets almost zoomed in. I have not had this feeling in a long time, and just felt fear go over me, just as the sound did.

So at first, i thought it was an airplane, but quickly dismissed it since the the alarming change in sound direction did not match. Plus, one had just passed and sounded nothing alike. Second, I thought a comet, but comets do not travel back and forth. I thought maybe it was two passing closely together, but it would not justify the sound "stopping" and restarting. I could not think of any other possibility, except for aliens. To make it clear, I have lived next to an airport my entire life, and could tell the difference between an airplane and any other sound.

Regarding the location, I did have one other experience prior to this time. Once while hanging out with friends at this nature park well past midnight, a very large owl flew past us, perched itself on the tallest electricity pole around, and stared at us till we left the location. I do not know if the community's believes in the relationship between owls and aliens, but it happened none the less and could potentially been a part of it all.

So to end it all, we left immediately after we heard that. I could not justify the sound and could not justify the panic that went over me, other than aliens.

TL;DR: Unjustifiable noises and weird body sensations have me believing an alien flew over me.

Submitted May 26, 2016 at 11:14PM by fugfacee http://ift.tt/1Z4Py7j

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