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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

aliens, lots and lots of aliens.

Ok, so this is my first reddit post.

Before I begin, as it will pertain to the story later (and I didn't know where to put it in the story) I have, since before I can remember, had this thing in my trapezius. I got an x-ray and it is a perfect triangle, made of metal, embedded in the muscle. When I was 8 or so was the first time I remember noticing it. A couple of times, my mother and I got curious and try to pop it out with a razor blade. It was always too painful and I'd give up before we could get it. But we had gotten close and she had seen it. It reflected light like a tiny piece of a mirror. I thought for a long time it could be a piece of glass that I stepped on as a kid that had required surgery to remove. An x-ray showed a piece of the glass had broken off during surgery but wouldn't be harmful throughout my life, so they kept it in my foot. But for it to travel up to my shoulder is impossible, the doctors laughed at me when I asked. What the hell is a metal triangle doing in my body? As with many things in life, there is no explanation.

The first thing that happened was in 2013. It was summer time and I had fallen asleep on the couch, something I did all of the time. Suddenly, I wake up. I read on the cable box 3:01 AM. I see a flash of light in my peripheral and turn my head towards the staircase that is about 10 feet in front of the couch I'm laying on. Another light flash. It looked like somebody taking pictures on their phone. "Mom?" I call out. "Why are you taking pictures? It's 3am." I'm half asleep, it seemed a logical explanation at the time. One more flash, no answer. I get up and walk toward the staircase in total pitch black darkness. My eyes adjust a little and I see figures. Small silhouettes. I take a step back and freeze. Fear fills my body. The light downstairs comes on. It's my sister who turned on the bathroom light. I snap my head over at her and she sees me and screams "What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me!" I'm frozen and I barely squeak out the words "there's someone in our house." We check upstairs and there's nobody. Check the doors, everything is locked. My dogs weren't freaking out, they were chill. (I had two big labs who were good guard dogs and a chiweenie who was an asshole and barked at virtually everything, if someone would have been there, everybody would have known.) She told me I dreamed it and to go back to sleep. It's not unusual for me to watch too many serial killer documentaries and be paranoid, she shrugged it off. But something felt so wrong about it, more than my usual paranoia. Something bigger. I stay up for the rest of the night with the lights all on.

3 or 4 months after that, I had pretty much forgotten about it. I could sleep with the light off. I woke up upstairs in my bed in the early hours of the morning. My whole room and body was illuminated with this light. I couldn't tell if the moon was bright, if the sun was coming up or what strange light came pouring into my window above my head. I noticed that I was laying on my back, which I never ever do and just as I noted that was strange, the whole house started shaking violently. Everything was vibrating and there was this low, magnetic humming sound that was deafening, enveloping everything. I couldn't move. I was calling for my sisters whose rooms are also upstairs and got no response. The light and sound engulfed everything and in an instant, I was standing in the hallway, the sun was up. My sister's beds were empty, they had woken up and gone to school. It was around noon. I lost 9 or so hours, I'd guess. I came to and my dogs were still barking incessantly and my mom, from downstairs, calls up to me, "what's wrong!? Why are you screaming?!" I was too confused to speak but I knew I hadn't just been screaming. It all happened so fast. I didn't tell anyone about it because I used to use drugs (before any of this happened, I had a brief stint, ran away, landed in rehab) and I didn't want my parents to think I was crazy or on drugs. I remembered one night, years earlier, my girlfriends and I were drinking in the front yard of a neighbors house. It was late but we had just started the party. All at once, we all stopped speaking. There was about 5 of us and we all looked up toward the sky, the same heavy, magnetic droning sound filled the negative spaces and we watched a triangle shaped craft, with three lights in a triangle formation, fly into a void and disappear. The tip of the craft drifted slowly into invisibility and we watched the whole ship be swallowed. It was massive. I remember it clear as day. We all watched in complete silence. We took cover and drank heavily and never really spoke about it again. I remembered that night because the sound and vibrations from the night in my room. I freaked out and became a little obsessed with learning about alien abductions. I confided in my boyfriend and my best friend and they dismissed it entirely. It upset me but whatever, I knew what I had gone through. I was positive it happened and was strong in my convictions. Still am.

The last time I personally saw them was at least 6 months after the experience in my room. My friend and I were at our boyfriends' house (our boyfriends were roommates) waiting for them to get off work. We hadn't smoked or drank or anything, we were watching River Monsters and hanging out. I left the living room and went downstairs to take a phone call and when I returned, my friend had turned white. She asked if I had gone out front and I said no, of course. She explained that she had seen a tall person standing right outside the front window, looking into the house. From where we were sitting in the living room, the front window is straight across about 30 feet away. My boyfriend lived in the ghetto and shit like that happened all the time. I almost got kidnapped in broad daylight in their driveway, there were tweakers in the alley all of the time. Because of this, there was a lot of weapons in the house and I felt safe enough (their other roommate was a big dude and he was asleep upstairs) and I assured her that we were fine, but we sat close together and kept an eye on the front window. After an hour or so she wasn't as freaked out anymore and we decided to go smoke a cigarette. We stood up and she stopped speaking mid sentence and froze, staring out that front window. She made a sound like someone had knocked the wind out of her. I looked out the window just in time. There was what appeared to be a person trudging across the front yard, but the only way it could have been human was if the spine was broken because the top of the body leaned forward at such an extreme angle. It was hooded, I couldn't see it's face. It didn't appear to be walking, more like gliding, but moved quickly and with such an odd limp. It was not human. I can't explain it. Utter panic and total fear flooded me, my heart sank. I have never been so terrified. We dropped our stuff and without speaking, ran downstairs and locked ourselves in the bathroom. "What the FUCK was that" She starts describing something far different than what I had seen. She had seen a 6 foot, gray skinned human-looking person-thing, standing in the dark.

"You didn't see the thing huddle across the driveway? It was headed right for the door." I ask. She starts sobbing uncontrollably. I was absolutely horrified but it seemed very familiar at the same time. That all took place at about 10 at night. We lose about 9-10 hours. I woke up in my boyfriends bed with no memory of what happened after we locked ourselves in the bathroom. We didn't talk about until a couple of days later. It took me a long time to process and she was just in total shock. Soon thereafter, that is ALL we talked about. We spent every waking moment together, researching, psyching ourselves out, reading articles and watching documentaries. We routinely made trips to places in the desert where UFO sightings and portals and other strange things had been reported happening. (I live in Arizona, where there is no shortage of people who have experienced similar things) We learned about reptilians, which some people claim are the head honcho aliens. They can apparently shape shift, and sometimes they shift into tall greys and sometimes they wear robes. (trust me, I know how ridiculous that sounds.) So that would explain what both my friend and I saw that night. I started working in this new age book store and a couple of times a "woo-woo" person (as my mom calls them) would come up to my register and tell me they knew I was from another planet. I had a world-renowned psychic woman touch my shoulder where the chip is and tell me she knew about my kind. Weird shit like that happened for the year that I worked there. I do NOT believe in woo-woo, magic crystals, psychics and all that good stuff. I don't believe in ghosts. But after experiencing what I experienced and learning about others' experiences and studied and spoke to people, it was illogical of me to not "believe" in alien beings. Of COURSE we are not alone in the multiverse, that is silly. Why me? If it happens to you and you choose to reach out, you quickly come to find that you are not alone in your experiences. 1 in probably 6 people I talked to had seen a UFO or could recall a time in their life where they experienced something similar. We're all adults here. Why would we all decide to make something up? Why would the details match up so perfectly? Why would we all lie about the same things?

Besides my friend and all the people we met in our travels, nobody believed me. My parents think I'm crazy. My sisters think I'm crazy.

People would ask to feel my chip and I would happily let them, like a pregnant lady lets people touch her belly. As the months passed, the feeling of that night wore off. I could remember what it looked like, but it didn't make my skin crawl anymore.

It had been roughly two years since the last incident. My best friend, Tabby, who initially was very skeptical about my stories, was at my new house. Around 9 PM, we were standing in my hallway in the doorway of my sister's room. My sister was laying on her bed and my sister's friend was in the bathroom. We were laughing about something when Tabby turned her head and ran full speed down the hallway and into the kitchen. I figured she was chasing one my dogs and continued speaking with my sister. She came back 20 seconds later in tears, falling over, going "what was that?! that wasn't you guys?!" We both said no, she was stuttering and laughing and crying simultaneously. She's an anxious woman, this isn't out of the norm. She fell to the ground and was shaking and sobbing. I tried to calm her down and she finally said, "I thought one of you guys put a blanket over yourself and were running from me. I thought you were joking. What the fuck! Fuck! What the fuck!" She said she was giggling, chasing it and when they turned the corner in the living room, it ran toward the kitchen and vanished. She watched it disappear into thin air and after a couple of seconds of processing, of course realized humans don't do that. I smiled so wide when she was telling me this. She looked at me like I was a sicko. I felt calm, reassured. I felt fuckin' closure . Finally, someone else had seen. I asked her to demonstrate what she saw and she threw a blanket over her and hunched over and did the same limp-walk. She saw a robed figure, the same bent spine shape that I had seen in that front yard two years ago. I was ecstatic. We talk about it often. Lately, more people have been talking about aliens and UFOs and I'm back at reading about them. I have a feeling they're doing somethin'. My old friend who I had the night in the bathroom with (we're not friends anymore) about a month ago I texted her, "there's a great disturbance in the force." and she responded, "yeah, they're up to something. I can feel it too."

I don't know why these things happen to or around me. But I am grateful that they do. I'm going camping at area 51 in September, if not sooner, so hopefully something happens and I'll write another post. Thank you guys for reading!

Submitted June 29, 2016 at 06:48PM by holyskull http://ift.tt/296ImHN

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