I would be glad to answer any questions that you have. This is the original text from my original post:
Hello, everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read what I assume is something that you will find humorous, fake or fantastical.
I am a backpacker, and I routinely go camping and hiking in the wilderness across the United States. I have backpacked through twenty states, and that list is continuing to grow. I pride myself on my survival skills; I learned about foraging and surviving in various climates and forest areas quite some time ago, and I still utilize that knowledge on my backpacking expeditions.
I will attempt to describe my abduction in excruciating detail. While backpacking in Maine, I found an area to set up my tent. I usually look for a natural canopy to place my tent under, as it helps with preventing the sun from increasing the temperature of the tent. My tent is a bright orange color. I set it up. It was about 19:00. I had hiked for a while to reach my camping area, so I was exhausted. I read a bit, opened my sleeping bag, got inside of it, and dimmed my portable light. I keep a small light on inside of my tent.
Within the next hour, between 20:00 and 21:00 (roughly), what I think was an alien abduction occurred. As I was asleep, I woke up with a somewhat serious bout of nausea. Within around thirty seconds of my awakening, my field of view drastically grew. For those of you who play video games, imagine changing your field of view from 60 to 200. I felt like I was entering some sort of warp speed. I have no recollection of how I left my tent. My next conscious thought, after the warp speed effect, which was still active, was actually being lifted up into their vehicle. Their vehicle was not a saucer. It was a large, sleek carriage. The color stood out to me because of its odd nature. It flickered between black and what may have been a dark shade of blue.
A port opened, and then I became unconscious. What happened next could have been the oddest thing that occurred throughout this entire abduction. I have hypothesized that they were trying to create a simulation to placate my senses so that it would be easier to preform tests on me. They conjured up some convoluted nursing scene; imagine breaking your ankle and going to the ER. The nurses come in, check your vital stats, and tell you to wait. Then, a doctor comes in to preform more tests. They ask you if you'd like a blanket, and they also ask you if you're still hurting enough to warrant the use of pain-killers. This all appeared somewhat realistic. The nurses are all there, the doctors and the tests are there, but something is off. Their behaviors are odd.
Their simulation glitched a couple of times, however, and when it became obvious that it wasn't sustainable, they rendered my unconscious, again. The simulation glitches gave me the greatest insights into what was going on. They were short blips of time, but those memories are still imprinted into my mind.
Now, I will attempt to describe what I saw on the inside of their structure. The aliens were not hominids. They did not have eyes or a face, but they did seem to be made of some sort of matter. As in, if I weren't constricted, I would have been able to touch them and physically feel them. I don't think that it was organic skin, though. It seemed to be made of some synthetic plastic. I don't know. They did not emit any sounds, but the tools that they were using did make clinking and clanging sounds when they hit surfaces. My hearing was not obstructed. Even though they were holding tools, they did not have arms, as they weren't hominids, like I said. They were using a mechanical system to lift and utilize tools and other things. I think that they were communicating in a telepathic sort of way.
After their simulation glitched and I became unconscious, I woke up, in my tent, but outside of my sleeping bag. My abdomen's pain transferred from nausea to a sharp, general pain, which went away within a couple of hours. I checked my phone and found that it was 11:20 when I woke up.
Obviously, three days have elapsed, and I am seriously shaken up. I came up with several explanations that didn't involve an abduction. I found all of them to be insufficient, however. I thought that I had eaten some psychoactive plant, accidentally, but I didn't forage for anything on that day. What happened to me was profound, and I will continue to speak about it if people will listen.
I was told to post a condensed version of my experience. Here it is:
I was abducted by non-hominid aliens who/that used what seemed like some sort of warp technology to gradually lift me up into their vehicle. They created a simulation that (I think) was present to try to ease and placate me, but it glitched, so they rendered me unconscious and returned me with newfound abdominal pain that dissipated relatively quickly.
Submitted June 16, 2016 at 06:31PM by reality192301 http://ift.tt/1UBKqDR
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