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Saturday, June 18, 2016

My stories.

Hey! I'm new here and wanted to share with you guys my stories. I can't fully connect with people because I simply don't think people believe me.

For starters I've had more than 20-30 UFO and alien dreams. A few I believe are real abductions, here they are:

-I saw Orion's belt in the distance (not the first time I've seen this in past dreams). I then saw a UFO drop from Orion's belt to below the horizon. I started to head towards my brother who was about 150 yards away from me to tell him what I saw. As I head over I start to float up. I start yelling at him to get his attention, yet he couldn't hear me. I next remember being paralyzed on my side. I can see the earth below me, the sun in the distance and this mind boggling huge UFO. I mean fucking massive!! I'm now inside the mother ship in the same paralyzed position as I was before. I'm in this huge poorly lit room, hard to describe. Near me in my vision is this blank screen. Then appearing on the screen was a few speaker looking things, black and red in color. It then went blank and came back as this crazy hexagon kaleidoscope type design, yellow and orange in color with numbers inside counting super fast. While laying there it truly felt as if I was there in the flesh able to look around with my eyes and not move. I kept thinking that I want to be back in my bed. I heard this sound (hard to describe) and without waking up I was in my bed and in that same position in a sweat.

  • All I remember is Pi and complete white and I saw a silhouette of a grey, they did something with my brain (it never hurt, it just felt mushy?). I heard odd breathing to my left, I jolted and woke in my bed.

  • One grey was over top of me in my bed (he was blurry and I couldn't make out details) and he said to me everything will be alright, then there were two more figures at the end of my bed, and they raced to the head side of my bed. All I can remember.

  • I remember being in this floating thing inside one of their hallways. I couldn't see the device I was in, I was just floating facing down and all I could see was the floor and two sets of legs on either side of me. Their legs were human like yet different, they were skinny and long. We stopped at a door way and that's all I can remember.

  • This is the latest one now. I was sleeping on the couch (been sleeping lots here lately, not because of these experiences). Again had that floating sensation, briefly this time. There was a dim light in the hallway towards the left of my vision. The grey was on my right, it was completely dark there, and I couldn't see him. He said hello, I said hello back. Then he said something and all I can remember was something about "you've been chosen 'Ho_Phat' or you are the chosen one 'Ho_phat,'" he said my name!! I then reached out my hand and was able to grab a hold of his hand, he had longer and thicker than normal fingers, they felt smooth and just like skin. I was super excited and started to give him high fives hahah. I then waved and said goodbye and he said goodbye and left.

In between these dreams I've been going star gazing. I've seen a few things. I have seen this bright light flash 3 times then the UFO zoomed off (was at the height of satellites). I've seen these 3 flashes once while out for walks. I saw this weird swish thing, as if they turned on and off their cloaking device. I've seen 2 UFO's dance in front of a satellite. This one takes the cake though. It was a clear night and the moon was super bright. I was looking at the moon and then boom three of them right near the moon turned on just as bright as the moon. They formed a triangle, two of them turned off and the other floated upwards and faded off, it lasted about 15 seconds.

I don't have any marks, and I know they aren't here to hurt me. I have many questions, I'm sure some of them may get answered.

TL;DR: I've had many dreams about aliens/UFO's, a few I believe are real abductions, and I've seen UFO's while out star gazing.

Submitted June 18, 2016 at 02:05PM by Ho_Phat http://ift.tt/1Up60OI

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