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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Visions of Aliens during Meditation

Hello! I would like to start off by saying that I'm really glad I've came across this subreddit. As a kid I was terribly scared of aliens, I would dread going to sleep and was terrified they would come for me in the night. I never watched Star Wars or anything alien related until I was a teenager.

I've been meditating for close to three years, and up until my first 10 day meditation retreat I haven't had anything alien related come up back into my life. I found that the vipassana technique was quite natural to me and I was having a lot of interesting experiences happening. I've always been intuitive and I've been told once when I was 19 that I have medium abilities that came to be true despite my first initial disbelief. Throughout the retreat I was having visions, sensations of energy permeating my body, insanely vivid dreams, and by the 7th day I had a vision of a place not on earth.

So on the 7th day I left the meditation hall at the end of the day to return to my room. But I find that I can't fall asleep easily after the last group meditation...there's simply too much energy. So I decided to lay down in my bed, relax my body and meditate. So I became still, mind easily falling to equanimity where I just observed and didn't respond. Then my body kind of just sagged, shutting down into sleep while my mind was still not quite active but not unconscious. Then the most vivid visions I've ever had started coming through. First it was birds...all sorts of shapes of different species. I saw a pigeon, a hawk with its wings spread powerfully, and after the birds came through they dropped from view and another vision materialized. The next vision was high up on a mountain, and from my vantage point I could see mist in the background and two pagodas (one close to me while the other one a distance away). But it was so beautiful and real at the time and the memory is still vivid. And then that vision faded and a few different visions of ancient buildings came up until that again faded...

The next vision was very strange. It was a very large building that had all these weird features on it that I can't really describe and I'm sure it's not even on earth. There were so many "beings" all lined up and marching into this building, and I can't describe them as human because they were not. From my point of view, I saw them as very tall, and their physical bodies is hard to describe as well. The top half of their bodies were very large and long, while the bottom was in darker material. It's hard to describe. Then that image faded and then next image was that of a platform with 10-12 beings behind it. They had the classic alien look: skinny necks, elongated heads. That's when I woke up from my meditation/dream trance...but I awoke with a name. Arcutirans. I think I've heard of the name once...but it's that sort of thing that the conscious mind dumps into the subconscious to be forgotten.

When I left the meditation retreat on the 10th day I was googling Arcutians. When I found a website describing the Arcturians...I had a really profound experience. Something inside me was recognized...a longing of home was realized. I was so overwhelmed and happy I was tearing up and crying. Also on the website it tells you on how to connect with the Arcutirans in meditation, which I did a month later but I'll leave that for another post.

Thanks for reading!!!

Submitted June 30, 2016 at 10:53PM by livefreeash http://ift.tt/296sq4B

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