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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

My UFO experience while enlisted in the US Navy

I had this story in a comment section of a previous post and the feedback i received urged me to make my own post, so here it is.

(heres the copy and paste of the first comment)

I have witnessed first hand UFO technology while enlisted in the US Navy. Myself and the 350 manned crew of USS cape George cg-71 witnessed 3 UFOs playing light games high in the atmosphere one night. A series of yellow, orange and red lights occupied the sky above ourship during a under way replenishment with a supply ship. The phenomenon occurred from about 0000- 0330. The whole crew was at disbelief when watching these three crafts maneuver at speeds and feat's that defy current laws of gravity. A craft was able to travel from one side of the horizon to other in silence and in a matter of seconds and then abruptly stop, often changing course, all while emitting one of the three shades of color I spoke of.

(end of first comment i made)

This story takes place in 2011 btw

My position during the UNREP (underway replenishment) was on the bridge or pilot house. The bridge is where the helm is located and all types of navigation occur here in conjunction with Operation Specialist's information they receive from our on board radar. My ship has what you call a SPY 1B (spy one bravo) radar system, visually it looks like a hexagon on the exterior, this is the array. anyways i do not want to divulge to far off topic but I do want to explain a few of the ships capabilities because it ties in to the story.

So this night in particular, we were somewhere in the south china sea. It was about 12am or 0000 and the event lasted until about 0300( and the whole time the OFO's were flying around). My position during this UNREP was on a bridge wing. I had full visual contact with everything happening with the ships brass, because as the UFO events transpired the captain and all top brass (NAV, OPS, CHENG, XO,) basically any important officer was called up to the pilot house. The officers did not communicate with the crew and instead gathered in a small circle near the captains chair. Their conversations were hard to hear but I had access to the comms line that went down to CIC (Command OPS center located in dead center of ship complete with black lights all around to hinder vision purposely). Basically what was happening was that we didnt have these UFO's showing up on our radar. Also our IFF transponder (Identify friend or foe) was also not sending back a signal telling us what type of aircraft they were.

So these officers really had no idea what was going on either, they stayed in a small circle and the crew was all on edge, we the crew were all like OMG what the hell are these things flying like this above us. the crew all knew that these were no ordinary aircraft. My rate in the navy was an "IC" which means interior comms electrician, I was basically in charge of all comms inside the ship.

So these UFO's darted around the sky that night with the whole crew just watching these crafts emit a series of red/orange/yellow lights. The light was singular at each time, for instance the craft would dart from one side of the horizon to the other right, then above a large cloud the craft would lower itself in the cloud then it would turn orange right, and the whole cloud would start pulsating orange for about 2 or 3 minutes, then it would raise back up and turn yellow again. There were 3 craft total that night, all doing the same thing and towards the end of the "show" the main color they would emit would be orange right, and then they would do the pulse thing again and this time it would be pulsating red, then raise back up and then be orange.

I had access to binoculars, which i used to observe with, then i had infrared googles which when worn i could see a heat trail behind the object flying. I had night vision googles also and also when wore showed a tail, with the naked eye though i could not see a tail on the object.

That night we the crew all came to realize that this was no prototype Chinese plane or craft. The behavior of the craft defied contemporary human knowledge of physics. The speed of these crafts produced no sound and could travel from one side of the horizon to the other in about 4 or 5 seconds... Upon reaching their straight shot destination, they would abruptly stop, and change course, with zero sound. It was the weirdest thing, only a bright white light that changed to 3 different colors were the only noticeable feature.

The next day was full of conspiracy, the officers on board made zero explanations as to what these crafts might have been. The only other possibility it could have been was a Chinese prototype craft , that was pretty much was the only possibility which we all knew was BS. There is no way that that craft was Human made, or it was, it was a black ops project and it very well may have been military or humans who piloted it but the technology was not of earth. In retrospect i should have asked more questions but at the time i was not really a believer because i had never experienced anything like that in my life.

To this day, I still talking about my story with people, usually im met with skepticism but its to be expected, we live in a nation of sheep primarily and most people are so passive that they couldn't care less. I know that my story is relevant and i continue to be a alien/ufo advocate because of the many stories with the same context ive heard through out the years.

Thanks reddit, i hope this reaches the right people. Lets hope that disclosure happens sooner than later.

Submitted October 25, 2016 at 07:35PM by jakesnake707 http://ift.tt/2e8pSpp

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