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Thursday, November 17, 2016

My odd experience

This is an experience I had when I was very young. Around 5 I think. I’ve never told anybody, never posted it on the internet. Hell, I’ve never even thought that maybe it was something greater than what I understood until now, that I have become VERY interested in aliens. You may be able to guess at this point that I’m going to tell the story of a possible alien abduction. Before recently I always just remembered this experience as maybe a lucid dream or hallucination, but there are so many post event symptoms that I am seeing are not independent to my experience, making me question what happened. I’m going to stop meandering and getting on with the story.

I was lying in bed, when my closet opened. Two orbs came out, one traveled around my room, another went into my younger sisters. I was in a state where I could not move, was barely conscious, and oddly unafraid. I noticed many tiny beings walking in the sheets of my bed. Anywhere from 10-20. They were not more than two inches in height. It was too dark to notice what they looked like in great detail, but I think they were somewhat humanoid. I later remember being surrounded by humanoid beings. I was lying down and very young, so I could not determine their size, but they were at least as big as me. The whole room was very shadowy. I could barely make out what they looked like. For some reason I always assumed I was still in my room, but perhaps I was on an alien vessel? They did not have the distinct large black eyes that greys are known for. From what I could see, their eyes were close to human. This leads to my theory that the famous big black eyes are actually some kind of goggles or glasses. Like in the famed alien autopsy (which may very well be faked), that guy had humanoid eyes.

Now here is one thing I remember more vividly than the beings. Behind them, was a giant translucent purple, reptile type thing. Kind of looked like a big salamander that was glowing. Real big, probably around the size of a grizzly bear. It was just pacing. My eyes were more drawn to that thing than the other beings, maybe that is why my memory is so hazy of them? I can remember this lizard like it was yesterday. The humanoid beings, not too much. I don’t know what it was. Maybe some captive animal from another planet? Maybe a distraction from what was actually going on?

And that was it. That was the whole experience. I can’t explain HOW I can tell I wasn’t dreaming. It’s just a feeling of awareness. A feeling of being in reality. And it wasn’t sleep paralysis, I get that every once in a while. None of my sleep paralysis experiences are anywhere near as vivid as the one I described.

The next day I woke up, I just was thinking it was weird. I had no fear during any of this oddly. I mentioned it to my parents, and they just said it was dream. Later, my sister mentions seeing lights outside her window one night. My parents write that off as a child being silly. (No I have never talked to her about this since we were kids.).

Although I was not scared during the experience, I was always scared after, just in general. I had night terrors, would wake up screaming all the time. I had dreams of being mauled by creatures. I would lay awake in bed and stare at my closet door.

Not long after this happened, I start getting terrible migraines. Occasionally debilitating to the point that if I try to even move I will vomit or dry-heave. My parents kept taking me to the doctors to get blood-work and CAT scans, but nothing is discovered. I mention this because apparently, migraines are a common side effect to abductions. I don’t get them as often anymore, but still every once in a while.

As for physical abnormalities. I have a solid speck under the skin of my right lower-thigh. No idea what it is, just appeared one day when I was about 10. I also have a scar on my right wrist. It’s barely noticeable. Just a long, thin mark.

This was way longer than I expected it to be. Don’t want to make this story any more convoluted than it already is. Just looking for some possible answers to a weird experience. If you think I’m nuts, I probably am. I practically don’t even believe what I just typed. If you made it this far, thank you for reading.

Submitted November 17, 2016 at 06:16PM by abductthrowaway http://ift.tt/2gnOxMj

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