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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Orange orbs - would like to hear possibilities

Hi guys,

Im fairly active on this subreddit, and this has nothing to do with the holidays. I simply remembered I had witness this.

First sighting was like almost an year ago, around that I would say.

I live in south florida, down in the suburbs. It was a clear night, and moderate light pollution to the sky, you can see stars but sadly not like out in the country. Anyways...

It was late at night, maybe around midnight, and I was outside sitting on my porch playing with some flashlights.

Im a flashlight enthusiast, so for those that know I have high end searchlights with huge reflectors and powerful LEDs, and smaller lumen monsters, so those things goes FAR, and the beam is completely visible at night at all angles.

I had a few other ones on me as well, just lighting up my backyard like daylight, enjoying myself while my dog and cat ate next to me. Next thing I know there is this neon glowing orangy-yellowish object moving above my head heading perfectly straight down and across the sky until it dissapeared behind the trees in front of me. It wasnt going particularly fast, it was like what a commercial aircraft speed would go at.

BUT, i rule that out for a few reasons. I am an aircraft mechanic, and aircraft have navigation lights, and none of them are orange. They are white, and blink red/green. Never seen orange, and Ive worked on many Boeing, Airbus, Cessnas, Beechcraft and more.

Also I live near the Homestead Air Force Base, so I usually hear/see F-16s flying around and the once in a while larger cargo aircraft.

Going back to the first sighting, after the first orange object went out of view, ANOTHER one reappeared over my head. I had a WTF!! Moment. I was blasting those things with my super flashlights and I never picked up anything, just a lightsaber of lumens aimed at the dark abyss of the night sky towards the orange orbs.

I got super excited, they definitely werent flares as well, I would have heard the rumble of the turbojet and the orbs would have appeared one AFTER another, not streaking across the sky one BEHIND the other if they were being deployed sequentially.

This Orange Orb Convoy kept going on and on, I screamed to my family to come out and check it out. None of us know what they could be. We must have seen that convoy of orbs for like 15 minutes straight, until the last one passed. I wasnt "into aliens" so I kind of just forgot about it the next day. You could see a few of them at a time, the one passing us and the one or two incoming orbs in the opposite direction.

To give you a GOOD idea of how it looked like, imagine those little paper candles that float in the air in a festival. Now imagine them high up in the sky, moving way faster than paper lol. I had no reference on distance/altitude, so they could have been a mile high, a 100 miles high, or 1 lightyear away, I really cant tell. Theyre not terribly bright either, Im not sure how many others noticed the orbs, if anyone else did they probably kept it to themselves as I did until now.

Fast forward until a month ago, around late November. I was outside at night, with my father working on my car, on the front driveway.

Dont laugh, but I had this sudden urge that I should look up at the sky. I was down shining the flashlight at the brakes and I looked straight up. It was like freakin deja vu. The SAME EXACT ORANGE SHIT that I saw long ago, in the sky again, going the same exact direction as before. I excitedly told my dad and saw a few of them, as a convoy again, exactly the same. I ran inside to tell my family but dissappointedly when I returned back out they were gone. I felt kinda sad, I am really kicking myself for not whipping out my phone and documenting it.

My dad eventually, didnt seem to care and we resumed finishing our work and went on with my life.

Aside from my testimony, I saw another white orb one morning headed to work. I was driving, near the airport, and this white light zooms down above the road, perpendicular to the airport runways (I am very familiar with the airport), there are constantly large, low flying aircraft landing or taking off (depends on which way the wind is blowing) so this white light was moving 90 degrees to the usual traffic, which the FAA would never allow.

Not even my friend, an experienced and competent aerobatic pilot, says they would never allow small aircraft to fly like that near such a busy airport.

As I got off the highway ramp and turned onto another ramp I got a last glimpse at the white orb, it was far away hauling ass but at least I could see it was low flying. I bet a LOT of commuters saw it that morning. It was just a white light no airframe or structure visible.

The thing that also made this sighting memorable was I suddenly was thinking the world as little tiny ants in pods travelimg to just another day to work and survive. Then I had a strong urge to stretch my head and look above.

Maybe a connectiom, maybe im psychic i dunno. Just an observation.

Thanks for reading looking foward to your thoughts

Submitted December 25, 2016 at 02:00AM by explorer1357 http://ift.tt/2i4oG9h

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