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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Alien invasion dreams... What do thay mean

I've been dreaming alot lately and that is rare for me as I don't usually dream. Or at least I don't remember the dreams lol. I've been dreaming about the same scenario and that is an alien invasion or at least thousands of mother ships hovering over me as I stand in amazement. I kidd you not! Anyways It isn't like they start killing everyone in my dreams but it's just them hovering over me while everyone else freak's out while I on the other hand feel a sense of relieve for some reason. As if I feel happy! It's funny because aliens now scare the shit out of me lol. Can you feel feelings in deams? Anyways Like if they always would help me out or something. Like I'm never alone... Then I start floating towards them in my dream and I wake up. I don't believe in that alien soul/star child nonsense so I don't think it's that. I really don't want to go back to the bottle as I use to for emotional suport (been 5 months sober...). Might have to tho... I've done some research on those types of dreams and this is what I got. It got me concern to the point where I get scared of going to sleep and dream now as I get sleep paralysis to which SUCK BIGTIME. Thats funny I know but what you gana do. That type of shit got me crawling back to Jesus Christ... Anyways this is what I found on the web...

"To dream that you are an alien symbolizes the undiscovered part of yourself. ... Dreams of this nature also symbolize your outlandish ideas and your wild imagination. To dream that you are being invaded or abducted by aliens indicates your fear of your changing surroundings or your fear of losing your home and family."

The whole losing my family thing really got to me. I had a dream a while back where I had to pick a blue botton to stay with my fam or red button to go and fulfill my "destiny" which I chose blue. That dream has nothing to do with it but reminded me of that losing your fam thing. Hence why I came here. My question is does it have to do with aliens or something? Last year I had ufos follow me as if they were stalking me or watching over me. I came here aswell to ease my concerns. That only made me paranoid lol as people claimed that I was going to be abducted and fuck that shit. Anyways I still see ufos every now and then but I simply ignore them as I've came to the conclusion that there's nothing I can do plus for the most part I'm no one special for them to bug me. I've herd here on reddit than when aliens abduct you they put cancers and deadly diseases into you which freaks me out big time. I rarly get sick but when I do Oh Man Do I Get Sick! I went 2 years with out geting sick untill a couple months ago. Anywho should I be worried? Again I'm doing this here post just to see what you guys think. Help a guy out, do dreams mean something or should I just not pay attention to them especially when the same kind occurs alot. Oh and how to avoid those fucking sleep paralysis. I don't want to go through that shit no more. Cheers!

Edit: (Be nice please as I usually feel subconscious about sharing anything related to ufos and people calling me crazy).

Submitted February 01, 2017 at 10:07AM by Project312 http://ift.tt/2jvIA10

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