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Friday, February 17, 2017

Imagine Past and Future and see how the circle closes [Space/Alien/Mars Theory]

I have an epiphany guys and I want to share it with you!

I realized something scary.

first of look at this:


Now imagine this: 1.000.000 years B.C - Mars has a big ecological crisis.

After years of research they found out that they can settle the earth. So they send space ships with settlers. I could even imagine that their spaceships were some kind Pyramidic. They settled all around the earth and started cultivating it. At every big Pyramid was a big Civilisation such as the Egypts, Maya, Chinese and many more

( Watch "The Revelation Of The Pyramids" to get your mind blown )

Now imagine another time, back from that scenario. Imagine if we would start colonizing the Mars while we have a ecological crisis. A small group of scientists and astronauts would travel to Mars, they would have just the very needed equipment.

(Watch the Series from National Geographic "Mars")

But while they try to colonize it and make it habitable, the other people on earth would suffer from an crisis that could even lead to war and end all technical achievements and lead the Earth to Chaos al la "Mad Max". What would now the settlement on Mars do? Just stop? No, they would survive somehow. Maybe even after 1.000.000 years have restored a great civilization.

And now combine these two visions to one and try to see the things that are told in the document the other way around. Martians that landed here on Earth couldn't get an answer back from Mars and they decided to wait for answer and that it's just temporary. After the realization that Mars has fallen and they are the last of their kind they gathered all their resources and decided that they have to survive somehow.. so they builded settlements and studied the trees and animals...

Over all the years, they couldn't stomp a civilization out of nothing. Even if they were 1000, they hadn't the resources. And with their home planet gone they had to start right from the scratch.

They were literally surrounded by stupid Apes. Even if they tried to learn them things it would be pretty hard to accomplish, I mean the Apes were... let's say difficult... Very curious but at the same time aggressive.

The Martians couldn't just teach us how to build big cities and have politic and peace, we weren't ready for it and they know this. So they lived side by side with us... used us to survive, and to preserve some of their knowledge.

Go ahead and think about everything we know, and I mean the basics of it. For example Astrology.

Lets think about the things we used to know about Mars. It were simple mystical symbolism. But Mystical-Astronomie must also have its reasons somehow..

People gave symbolic meanings to the Mars, such as:

  • new beginnings
  • birth and initiation

but somehow also associated Mars with other symbolism as

  • retreat
  • death and submerging.

This makes Mars symbolism relevant to cycles, and the natural rhythms of life and death.

Maybe we should start seeing it in a bigger Picture. These things were maybe told and teached us by the martians to preserve their story. Over the years they probably became one with us...

The timeline of our evolution from Homo Erectus (1 Mio B.C- 100.000 B.C) to Homo Sapiens is pretty strange and happened without any real reason.

I can't stop thinking about it. It's like we living the same Situation again... but just on another planet.

Tell me your thoughts about it. Am I going crazy and connecting to crazy things together or Does it makes sense ??

Submitted February 17, 2017 at 11:36AM by TheMavel http://ift.tt/2m3ENVm

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