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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Asking For Insight On What Happened To Me (Long Post)

I know im just a random person on the internet. Without footage "helpful" right? I'm just looking for a another perspective on this. 4 years ago I went ruuning outside with my best friend. I use to live away from the city, surrounded by mountains. I did my routine run at 3 in the morning. I used to love being out at night.

Anyways about a quarter of a mile in, I got a thought that sounded very powerful. "Run back" is what flashed in my mind. It felt awkward telling my friend to sprint back to the house with me. We got back to the house in about a minute or two. Though once we got back, I felt something so off. Then I looked up, (I never believed in aliens till this point mind you.)

The top of it looked like a jet, though it had NO engine. It also emmited no noise, like at all. It also hovered without making any movements. Though to top it off, the bottom of it was so off. It had I,d say about eight connected balls underneath it. It glowed a VERY bright white,it had some unidentifiable technology in the center of the balls. I didn't have a phone on me, but honestly I think it wouldn't have mattered. I am certain it could jam it easily.

Me and my friend sat there looking up at it, in shock for about 5 minutes. It was hovering a little higher then my telephone pole, (I got a very long look in at it.) Partof me wanted to stay out of complete curiosity. Though my friend didn't handle it as well and i didnt want to be alone so we git back inside. Seconds later, I checked back outside to see a star that wasnt there before and the Air craft fully gone from the area.

My reality to what exists in this world is shattered forever. We still talk about rarely. After that night I began to talk alone in my room. Hoping to come in contact again. 2 weeks later it was granted, but not in the way I wanted. I woke up 4 in the morning, with a complete sense that I wasnt alone. Fight or Flight kicked in me, and I dashed out of my room. While building up the voice to scream.

Right before I could, I felt my body shut off, like a switch. I lost the ability to talk or move. Right before my body slammed to the floor I blacked out. To me what felt like a second, I woke up. To a alarm clock that was going off for hours past it's set time. I lost it at this point, though I had only my friend to talk about this. 3 Years later I told my mom, she replied with something I didn't at all want to hear.

"Son I'm so sorry, when I wad pregnant with you I was abducted. I suffer from depression now,and honestly don't planon having kids anymore. Who knows how fucked my genes are. Not sure if this is related at all, but I have Ab- blood. I also feel connected to them now, like if I close my mind and focus. I feel that same presence again.

Anyways not looking for people to believe me at all. I have my friend for that, so I'm covered. I just want in sight on what you'd do, if you were put in my circumstance. First time throwing this out to the internet, so I made sure to put it some where that made sense.

Submitted June 01, 2017 at 06:00AM by Depression1OOO http://ift.tt/2shcGpG

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