So, since at least last week,and on YouTube 3 hrs ago, theirs appearently a alien fleet coming to earth? Granted maybe a conspiracy theory. But for a few months now their have been strange lights and objects in the sky. I.e the incident in California where the police circled around a object floating in the air. Granted this was "said" to be a balloon from a marijuana protest earlier. But their was a second balloon at night with a light on it and similar shape.
Granted we can't be sure if aliens are coming or if they exist , granted I think they might.
Another thing, can we all agree that when ever some video states "NASA confirms" on it the video is probably just click bate.
Sorry... the main point is: is their any real clues to this "fleet" or not??
Sorry for the little rant :c
Submitted October 01, 2017 at 11:00PM by Pandapancakez
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