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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Why do people in Academia Deny the Existence of Aliens? A probable answer to the age old question

A question that often circulates communities crossing the minds of believers is why deny or cover up the potential for aliens to existence. One of the popular answers is to prevent a mass panic or there is obviously collusion. While the latter holds somewhat true, both are absurd explanations when readily more human answers are available.

Deductive Reasoning Vs Baconian Science

Sir Francis Bacon the pioneer of the scientific method did so by making a simple proposition. Until the time science largely followed Aristotle’s methodology being deductive reasoning based. Or this is true because we say it’s true and all investigations move from that truth. Bacon stated that science should be inductive based or I see this thus it must have some basis in reality even if current thought says otherwise.

From his revisions to science it blossomed and we started unraveling the very secrets of the cosmos and ourselves, but slowly over time science returned back to a Deductive based ideology. Till philosopher Fredrick Nietzsche called it a new age religion and properly scorned it in his writings as being no better than the Christians whose place they sought to take.

What we have today are scientists who spend 6 months trying to convince themselves a star isn’t dimming. We have scientists concocting the most absurd excuses to avoid having to reexamine their underlying understanding of the universe. Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and String Theory all exist not from some observable phenomena but as theorized concepts to get around the holes in the original theories. Once popular they’re fading from the modern concept. When Quantum Mathematics refuted the old theory Dark Matter and Dark Energy theories were no longer needed to explain away the issues in the models, so it became “they exist but we don’t know what they do.” Since now we are missing none of the universe.

What this means for the UFO phenomena is that if we accept UFOs are real we have to accept that: the laws of physics do not function anywhere near how we think they do, matter can travel faster than light, biological life can evolve in different ways and has done so in conditions completely alien to that of Earth (this would throw the fields of biology into turmoil), and the further we go down the rabbit hole the more we have to rethink.

To the average person this is not big deal. Newton’s Laws of motion or Atomic models don’t impact our day to day life. We don’t base our intellectual self worth on having memories these models, so if we suddenly said “okay none of this is right,” it would be irrelevant to our day to day existence or exciting to those intellectually curious.

Today we have scientists openly admitting to spending 6 months trying to convince themselves that a star isn’t dimming because it would refute our entire model of solar life cycles, formations, and behaviors. Whereas Baconian era scientists would jump in elation and rush for funding to be the one to have their name on the new theory that would replace the old, today’s science oft devolves into escapist

Market Value

Everything has a market value and this value determines if it has applications beyond subsistence. Labor is valued on how much value it produces per hour or what returns can be produced on it. This is a very simple point of life and it hold true in intellectual establishments and circles. For those that state aliens are real and adherents and proponents to the old models their value is based entirely around these remaining in demand.

Now it isn’t conscious for many of them but if suddenly we determined aliens were real, faster than light technology is not only possible, but we’re far behind in that game, just to name a few of the previously mentioned turn abouts that would arise, then overnight these people are worthless. Society doesn’t need people who can’t produce answers, and hearing “no this can’t be real,” positions would be a waste of money.

Academics would need to hire professors fluent in the new school of thoughts and discoveries to stay relevant. Who would go to school to learn anything in engineering or science when the school still teaches outdated concepts. It would be like going to a school whose program is decades out of date today. The degree you earn would be worthless.

Imagine how many of these people would continue holding a job if we made contract with aliens? Who would you want designing your building or power grid? A human or an alien who understands advanced material design? What of governance? Who would you want to rule over you, politicians who buy votes and take bribes or an advance civilization who very well maybe exactly the same but will increase your quality of life?

Their reputation is invested in denial

Reputations are important whether one likes the idea of having to maintain social proof or not no one can deny it will have an impact on your life. Now does anyone remember the scientists who would go onto the news, tv specials, and documentaries and say there is no water on Mars? How it was impossible for there to be water on Mars and there hasn’t been water on Mars for millions of years despite the mounting photographic evidence to the contrary. Once NASA came forward and said that there was water on Mars do you hear from these people anymore? No as they were cast into irrelevance.

People in intellectual pursuits have two reputations to maintain. The one amongst their peers that forbids them from even considering the potentiality of alien life let along that they might be here on Earth already. A feat that isn’t that marvelous when one considers we are looking for planets that might have life and any space fairing civilization would have centuries more advanced telescopes (if they still used that technology) optics, scanners, etc. If their civilizations are anything like ours they likely have posters of the cosmos showing which planets have life and how advanced it potentially could be. Not that impressive now is it that they might visit Earth.

Their second reputation is toward public utility. Like those that espoused no water on Mars those that espouse no Aliens period are in a position where if the alternative is proved they’re out of a job. Imagine going from being so renowned that you do TV interviews, you are called up to comment in documentaries, then all of a sudden over night you would be lucky to retain your base job. If you are called up it would be the one to be ridiculed for being out of date. If you switch your beliefs you’ll always be second rate compared to the pioneers in the field.

Social pressure keeps them stuck in an ideological paradigm, social pressure will be what destroys their careers if that paradigm ever falls.

The long version of all this is that those that are against the idea of aliens have a very vested interest in maintaining that status quo. It isn’t out of malevolence that they act the way they do, but often simple ideological blindness and a primordial sub conscious fear of the alternative.

Submitted June 30, 2018 at 10:15AM by Nevek_Green https://ift.tt/2tQFNla

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