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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Firmament Angel/Demon Hypothesis

I'm going to take a step out of here, I've never posted before. I've never believed in anything of the sort. But recently, some things have been just making too much sense to me. It's so suspicious, that I've gone and try to put some clues together... This will be long, so... fair warning.

Lot of "what ifs", but I just want you guys to try to at least think about it, free thinking right? Nothing to lose! I was told to move this from Flat Earth to the r/aliens.

Let's go into the rabbit hole, this will make you either think I'm a retard, or on to something. So, let's begin.


  1. 1.a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe."God sent an angel to talk to Gideon"
  2. 2.a person of exemplary conduct or virtue."women were then seen as angels or whores"*synonyms:*saint, paragon of virtue; gem, treasure, darling, dear; informal star"she's an absolute angel"

Alright. so. A a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God.

Alright, now we know that bit. Let's continue down the spiritual path, which is also another basis of the Flat Earth argument.

So, there are certain people... who do certain things, like spread the light on Earth. These people are known as Light Workers. They are people who have strange abilities called "Empathy", and are referred to as "Empaths".

These Light workers are also known by another name, a name which brings me back to my first point...

"Earth Angels".

They are the ones who spread the good in the world actively. Loosely, what we know as a 'Angel' is a being from 'The Heavens'. What is the heavens then? Well, 'The Heavens' are known by many names. But we commonly refer to the heavens as...


Whoa there, I know what you're probably thinking: "This guy IS retarded!", but wait a moment. Hear me out.

What if... Angels, are actually Aliens? Yeah I know, I just made another big leap, but hold on.

What if the heavens, really is just space and is made up of other planets?
What if that's the reason we haven't found any life in space?
Because we can't actually even leave earth. Because there's something stopping us. AKA the dome. We can't leave that dome, because until a certain point, a certain technology, or certain doom, we're not leaving from the dome.
We constantly hear "Earth is being watched by higher life forms".
So... what if we really are?
What if the reason we're not hearing from other planets is because... they're way too advanced. Or... they've wiped themselves out because they failed God's trial.
Or they can't communicate with us, because they're not supposed to? But why?

This brings me back to the "Earth Angels"...

I believe that Earth Angels, are lifeforms/people who have volunteered to reincarnate as Human Beings to spread the light, and that's the only way that aliens can actually help, by becoming a Human.

I think it would also explain some of the more evil people in the world.

We can see planets in space, but all we can do is "supspect" that there are life on certain planets.
You know what I think? I think life is either very rare, or very plentiful.
I think mars is a prime example of what our planet WILL be if we continue down the path that we're on.
Constantly I hear claims that we can escape to there, but that planet already failed. Look at it.
How are we trying to leave to this already destroyed planet, when we can't even fix this one?

I guess what I'm trying to say is... Aliens maybe don't communicate with us. Because they can't.

--What if like Angels, powerful demons/angels are the only ones who can reincarnate?
And they reincarnate into planets, and it's literally a constant battle of good versus evil?
...Like, it would explain some of the very... evil and great people in this world.

Like some people are just outright disgustingly evil and I feel should never have existed. And some people seemed to be just too good to be true, like Martin Luther King. Aliens cannot help us, but by reincarnating as a Human to spread the light... they can. Or even to try to doom us, maybe demons.

Their whole power cannot manifest onto the plane of Earth.
And only the most evil, of the evil can reincarnate.

These are the "Children of Evil" that I believe that God spoke about in the bible.

He said "They are not of mine".

Or something similiar.
Humans are born of God, with his image in mind.

But not only in body, but in mind and soul. This would probably mean they aliens, no matter what species they are look like God.
...But the evil ones, are not.
They are born with the body of a human, in the image of God, but they are the opposite, they are unholy in every form.
They corrupted in mind, and soul.
If they even possess souls.

If you're reading this... Got to this part, thanks for giving a look and being a free thinker.

Submitted July 24, 2018 at 01:18PM by RealityWarper94 https://ift.tt/2uNPdiH

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