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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

What Greys and Lizard people don't want you to know

Sorry if this isn't quite the right place to put this; I'm not a frequent redditor, but I know that various government officials troll threads like these, and this is kind of specifically for those people. So if you're working at area 51, Kindley Field, Roswell, ect. this is just for you.

Most of you are probably familiar with the concept of the Greys, Tall Whites, and Lizardpeople; these are the most well-known kind of aliens in public consumption, because they were the ones hardest to cover up. They came to Earth on and off again for thousands of years, and the Tall Whites reportedly made a deal with Eisenhower during Roswell for technology in exchange for access to human energy or some such nonsense. A similar story is thought of the Lizardpeople, and it's thought that the government is hiding their involvement in our technology is a closely guarded secret.

This is true.

What our government doesn't know, however, is that the Tall Whites, Greys and Lizardpeople are in direct violation of very succinct and clear galactic law.

Said law states that no pre-space civilization may be contacted or given exchange of information or technology (or invasion) before they have a manned ship breach the outer ring of its solar system. Very rarely are exceptions made, except when such a civilization is close enough to another planet with intelligent life to have made contact with the other planet before this stage.

The aliens on our planet know this. They know this so well, that they have actively interfered with signals that might have gotten to us from other civilizations, and they've gotten away with it this long because Earth itself is in a mostly uninhabited sector of the Milky Way. We're space Alaska, pretty much; remote, sparsely populated, and somewhat difficult to get to in terms of supplies. We're far enough from the nearest resupply depot that it's just not worth coming out this far, just to look around.

Of course, the aliens here don't want us to know this; they're actively trying to get us to colonize Mars and other planets, to get manned spacecraft outside our solar system, so that they can set themselves up as our only connection to the rest of the universe's occupants. They want us on their side, because, universally, they're both weak species, militarily speaking.

Donald Trump has been rambling on about a Space Force because both the Greys and Lizardpeople have been telling their contacts in the military that the rest of the universe is heavily militarized, and ready to invade Earth without provocation, which is just. Untrue.

The aliens here are bottom feeders. Their tech is bottom of the barrel in terms of other advanced civilizations, and some of our shit is better than their best. They know this, they see how good we are at tactics and warmaking, and they want us as allies because they know the second Earth gets her hands on the kind of tech the rest of the universe has, we will become an unstoppable military force, especially with America, Russia and China spearheading that kind of dive into the galactic stage.

So, if you personally know a Tall White, Grey, or Lizardperson, casually ask them "What's the punishment for approaching a pre-space civilization before they breach their solar system again?" Watch how quickly they go still, watch how fearful they are, how quickly they leave or get angry. It'll be a fun time.

If you have the capability, try to point a message on a hydrogen frequency in the direction of Sirius; the nearest supply depot is in that direction. Repeat a 3 beat 4 beat 7 beat pulse, over and over; it's the galactic equivalent of SOS. Someone with actual power will respond. Until then, tell the aliens here where they can shove it. They're criminals, bottom feeders, and generally dickheads.

Submitted August 28, 2018 at 05:27PM by threefourseven347 https://ift.tt/2olJUTP

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