It has been proposed that the UFO cover up has to do about changing the world. That the information and technology is so advanced that it would change our world over night. With the help of spiritually mature and wise beings -- human and non-human alike -- I have no doubt of such a future. In fact, I foresee it coming shortly.
But has the possibility of a more utopian-like world really been the reason elites have destroyed the world? Is their own vice, ignorance, hate, and sickness enough of a call to do all they have done to so many people over so long a period? Generations and family of them?
I've wondered about the nature of our reality since I was a young child, roughly 9 years old, that I can recall. I had a paranormal experience that I still remember from when I was a toddler. I think Contact (with a big C) occurs with entities and applies to otherworldly experiences in general. Experiences many more of us had than can even remember!
What are they hiding? Do (some of) the aliens eat people? That would not surprise me! Have they been walking among us this whole time, breeding? That also would not surprise me! But if they are already getting the benefit of ruling over us, why continue to hide? What do the elites have to do with their presence, given the evidence of cooperation and reverse engineering?
My theory is this: "Modern" White Europeans were the most technologically advanced yet spiritually ignorant demographic to come into contact with Non-Human Intelligence. This particular contact started the world on its current path. It is clear that all people had contact with Non-Human Intelligence. Most people had a way to mitigate their spiritual existence. I know there were Light Skinned / Dark Skinned Native Europeans who had their ways... but these and many others were obliterated by the onset of Christianity in Europe. This created a domino effect leading to Global White Colonialism - which included things like mass genocide, slavery, and general destruction for the local ecosystem. These same Europeans discovered evidence for Human/ET contact in artifacts across the globe, destroying or hiding them as well as religious texts of the indigenous folk. Of course this would ultimately hurt them too.
The advent of European Colonialism and "modern" (Western) discovery of Non-Human Intelligences / Spiritual-Greater Reality came at a crucial time for the planet as a whole. Many groups of people, aside from the European, were in the midst of advancement... This plays into the modern idea that E.T. may be able to possibly see the space-time continuum differently than we do. If they interfered with the one group of people who would so spectacularly carry out these sort of machinations they could easily enslave the whole species via their own kind.
I am not saying White Europeans are the only ones who were fucked with, just that this particular connection was the most destructive.
Submitted December 24, 2018 at 10:29AM by intotheself
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