This is my first post here, so if this is a repeat of something else, just let me know.
I’ve been following UFOs all of my life. I read John A keel’s the Trojan horse when I was a teenager and I was hooked ever since. Even before that I read The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries by Nigel Blundell, Roger Boar before I was 10 and my fate was seealed :-) . I am an engineer of 20 years’ experience.
I have noticed that the conversation these days around UFOs is very directed, whether purposefully or not I am not sure. But I have noticed a few trends over the last few years.
There are no modern contactee cases. – Here I am discounting the contactees such as Kryon (Lee Carroll) and Barbara Marciniak (channeller of the Pleiadians) as these are channeled and are not 3D contactee cases. Although I acknowledge such people that are concactees may be sworn to secrecy or living in fear.
· My philosophy is that the universe just is and does not require belief. I notice that both lee and Barbara mention the need to believe in something to get a benefit. Here I am making a point that the consciousness movement has hijacked some of the UFO research field.
· The last nuts and bolts case of any significant was the bob lazar case which frankly is too long ago. By nuts and bolts I mean a case where someone touched a UFO.
My theory is that the free and critical thinking of the UFO community is being steered in a certain direction. At present I feel that UFO researchers are being encouraged to stay away from certain subjects as aliens already walking amongst, where there may be some evidence …
Instead ufo researchers are encouraged to take interest in secret space programs and reptilian conspiracies of which we cannot prove a thing… these are the shiny baubles that we are fascinated with …. Richard Dolan calls out the need for evidence that be scrutinised…. I like that.
Some of all of this may be due to what I call the modern malaise of shallow analysis… taking the first answer and not challenging it to see if it stands up to scrutiny….
Any thoughts on any of this?
Agree or disagree?
By the way I am a fan of Kryon. I have not heard anything from him that takes away from anything. I haven’t listened too much of Barbara, so I have no opinion on her material.
I am currently reading "WE ARE HERE!" Visitors Without a Passport: Essays on Earth's Alien Presence Kindle Edition
by Michel Zirger
BTW ... happy christmas ... and remember it only takes one person to change the world.
Submitted December 23, 2018 at 06:52PM by thelastalienexplorer
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