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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Dog-Headed Aliens

Hey All,

I would like to share a story about an encounter and it would be awesome if you could share any reading materials, sketches or personal experience you have or heard regarding dog-headed (or dog-faced) aliens/creatures.

So this happened to my mom when she was a child around six years old. She has a very vivid memory of it and told me several times in the past as well and we tried to investigate but couldn't find too much.

My mom's family lived on the outskirts of our capital city and not far from their street was a huge corn field where they used to play as kids. As she ran in there one day, she came upon a figure squatting in the corn. As she described it, the creature looked like a man, except his head resembled more like a dog's head. It had pointy little ears and a flat face with a kind of flat nose, a bit square-shaped head and small eyes. It had dark bluish grey skin with an oily texture and it was wearing blue clothes which reminded her of an overall with a policeman's jacket at the time.

This happening around 1965 in Eastern Europe she has never heard of aliens and the family didn't have a TV or radio, so she had no idea what she saw, just ran out of the corn screaming. When she told her parents, they said it must have been the neighbour boy with a mask, but my mom said that she is pretty sure the neighbour boy doesn't have bluish gray skin and even though no-one took her story serious, she could never really explain what she saw but never forgot it.

Fastforward almost 40 years, I was already around 12 years old, I already heard the story but Internet was still pretty new to us in 2004/2005 so we didn't really look for stories about dog-headed aliens and the books my father had in this topic were all about big-eyed tall or small grey creatures, so my mom's experience felt like something marginal. But one day around 2005 my mom comes home in a kind of shock and gives me a magazine opened at a page with an article about types of aliens, urging me to read it. It listed a number of alien species among them the ones with doglike faces and gave almost exactly the same description as my mother did. It was a general magazine, so not really authentic and we don't remember the researcher's name (as I said, googling or emailing them at the time was not really an option for us).

Since then I tried to look it up on the internet, but I either come upon myths about the cynocephaly or Denaerden's Iagran dog-heads and none of those really seem to apply to what my mother saw (Denaerden's seems similar, but his story seems to include more fiction than fact).

So if any of you know about where I could look up some more research or stories about these type of aliens/creatures, please do share! Thank you for reading and for any suggestions!

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 05:56AM by Celthara http://bit.ly/2DDZp1y

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