Following is Theory:
Aliens (meaning any species that has originated from another star system and has technological understanding able to traverse star systems with ease and has at minimum equal technological capabilities of current human understanding) have been and are currently "visiting" earth. However grouping the multiple different alien species as some sort of unified alien society would be inaccurate, but any aliens able to come to earth would most likely understand any value earth has would be lost if the biosphere where to degrade to a point where humans could not survive. Humans as we are have reached a point where individual biological evolution has allowed for a wide range of complex thinking and processing information threw observation and communication. Aliens wouldn't try to take over earth or anything destructive like blowing up cities as from the perspective of any alien able to travel the cosmos and come apon our solar system to earth where we have a "stable" biosphere and intelligent species using tools would be rare, but also the only environment where intelligence's could develop as a society over generations. The idea that these aliens developed or grew human society over the last 200,000 years or whatever doesn't matter as no one chooses to be born and existence or value of life is an individual and personal ideal, while survival and future security of human generations is the driving factor for not only humans, but to any aliens as well.
Aliens are keeping to the shadows because humans as a whole are really racist, tribal, and easily become greedy in positions in power. The 2 biggest super powers on earth have spent decades and countless monies on defrauding scientists and engineers who have worked on alien technology and disclosed that info to the public because accepting aliens is would also be accepting the absolute helpless of the entirety of human existence. Government no matter where you are on earth is heavy on how powerful they are and not accepting a higher power than themselves. Aliens have had to take actions in protecting the biosphere by destroying nuclear weapons that we have had really stupid ideas with like nuking the moon or high orbit or in cities. If aliens where to become commonly accepted ( which would take alot of time and info disclosure and religion backlash ) would most likely lead to global racism against aliens because current and next generations would find it far to easy to say "fuck da sky demons" or whatever you call space racism (spaceism?). That is until 2-3 generations of humans have grown up in what will be a dramatic change in human culture over the next 35-70 years because of the climate change, government inefficiency, human rights abuse, technological development, and increasing automation. Humans will have to spend the next few decades stabilizing the earth biosphere and oceans and start developing our advanced technologies to un-fuck the planet and assure the continuation of the human species. After all that when humans have some actual spaceships instead of these pathetic rovers and metal tubes in orbit we would open the earth to aliens for mutual co-operation and exchange of knowledge (to a limited degree). That or they all piss of and continue shadowy raids of individual abductions and making sure we kill ourselves. No matter what, any kind of massive aid in helping the earth would never happen as it would lead to either becoming dependent or racist.
When it comes to what aliens find valuable on earth would be the potential of human society as a stellar species, DNA of life unique to earth, or the quite literal foundation of earth being in a spot where carbon life can grow. Everything else can be found in far more convenient locations. Life and the information or observations of it in action as well as the complexity and possibilities of the human brain are unique to earth. Aliens (or most of them) also have empathy, as it would be essential for individual and societal co-operation. Aliens would probably feel bad if having to watch all of human society die too, but I imagine they would have some human DNA someplace and even some home grown humans born from artificial wombs so the human race would live on after we die, no matter what happens.
TL:DR - Humans spacist and wont get quality one on one time with aliens until we become not so spacist in a few generations after we unfuck the planet and advance our technological standards to moon cities and asteroid mining. Also aliens are here, can be sad for you, and know your internet history. They (most) are also chill AF and hippie nerds.
Submitted April 01, 2019 at 02:39PM by windirtime
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