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Monday, April 1, 2019

The Incarceration Hypothesis

The resurgence of the "Earth is a Zoo" hypothesis in the mainstream consciousness has had me mulling over a terrible feeling I've had.

It reminds me of how I felt about my short time in military school. This is supposed to be good for me but the system its indoctrinating me into only uses me as fuel. Let me explain.

Say there is an intergalactic federation of species or something. A whole bunch of technologically advanced beings united under a common goal. Probably advancement of somekind. Conquest of the mind or reality or whatever. Lets also assume reincarnation is real. Plenty of evidence to support this. One would imagine there would still be dissidents, radicals and insanity amongst intelligent species. What if when they were put to death or just died off the federation could shepard their souls over to a quarantined prison planet? One with a designed intelligent species waiting for them to inhabit. The idea could be that through enough time toiling here we would appreciate life and be able to join society again.

Or the idea could be that this planet is designed to produce and encourage strife. Maybe our emotions fuel the empire. Maybe we aren't here to get better. Maybe we're just here to feel all the agony and bliss we can so it can be somehow farmed off us. Maybe we're prisoners. Or cattle.

Just some thoughts I've had. It would explain the lack of presence around us. We're quarantined.

I know this was rambling and poorly formatted and I have much more to say about it. Thoughts?

Submitted April 02, 2019 at 12:40AM by MafuaDeLiberte https://ift.tt/2I6vLVH

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