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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I’m doing research on alien abductions and experiences with E.T. beings, would anyone be willing to share your experiences with me?

Please feel free to PM if you aren’t comfortable posting. As a disclaimer I am not a scientist or affiliated with any organization. I simply gained an interest in this the last few years and have finally accepted the fact that I may have had an experience myself. I very clearly saw a large ship in the sky approx 500 yards over my head one night when I was on my way home with my sibling. We both watched it for approx 2 minutes before it flew out of sight.

A few years later I was alone one night around at approx 3 AM (meditating, I worked 3 shift at the time) and I suddenly felt my head being lifted skyward. I remember explicitly the exact feeling I had at the time, essentially pure amazement hit me like a truck. I immediately BURST into tears with a sense of relief and awe as I thought it may possibly be god letting me know he was here for me. My head continued to raise slowly and as my eyes passed the horizon I saw (enter cliche) a light... I could see why people would describe it as white but it was overpoweringly bright and had the entire spectrum of colors coming out of it as well. I also remember explicitly that my eyes were closed. I felt an overwhelming sense of warm ness from the light, and after a short time it passed. As I brought my head back down, I felt I was also being set back onto the ground. When I recalled what happened even minutes later I realized my arms were out at my sides during this as if I was being lifted by a rope slung under my arms.

I understand this may not be as in depth or intense as other peoples experiences.. but I’ve become enthralled with research on the subject over the last two years I have been seeking information to draw a conclusion, or rather, see what stacks up against some of the other information that has come my way recently.

I greatly appreciate your time, thank you.

Submitted October 01, 2019 at 10:04PM by Slimshadymazz https://ift.tt/2ok3GCI

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