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Saturday, December 28, 2019

New article on Inoreader

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKv3UT62zZgBWeZ4j8gpkjgAlien Life Could Be Hiding Out on Far Fewer Planets Than We Thought Universe Documentary -

"This is the first time the physiological limits of life on Earth have been considered to predict the distribution of complex life elsewhere in the universe," study co-researcher Timothy Lyons, a distinguished professor of biogeochemistry and director of the Alternative Earths Astrobiology Center at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), said in a statement.

To investigate, Lyons and his colleagues created a computer model of the atmospheric climate and photochemistry (a field that analyzes how different chemicals behave under visible or ultraviolet light) on a range of planets. The researchers began by looking at predicted levels of carbon dioxide, a gas that's deadly at high levels but is also needed to keep temperatures above freezing (thanks to the greenhouse effect) on planets that orbit far from their host stars.

"To sustain liquid water at the outer edge of the conventional habitable zone, a planet would need tens of thousands of times more carbon dioxide than Earth has today," study lead researcher Edward Schwieterman, a NASA postdoctoral fellow working with Lyons, said in the statement. "That's far beyond the levels known to be toxic to human and animal life on Earth."

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