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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Is symbiosis with artificial life the end game of an intelligent civilization?

Greetings friends! I have been a long time lurker on this sub, but I have too many questions to continue to not participate. Please excuse my lack of technical knowledge or the way I speak in such simple terms, I am not college educated however I am very passionate about this subject!

I have been pondering artificial life, the Fermi paradox, and the evolution of humanity quite a bit as of late. In so doing a thought occurred to me: could symbiosis between organic and artificial life be the "end game" (or ultimate goal) of an intelligent civilization?

By "transcending" or "evolving" into a form of cybernetic life, one would assume that this means the extinction of the creator species. Could the answer to the Fermi paradox be that, inevitably, organic life creates advanced synthetic life which they either merge with, or are destroyed by? Assuming this is the case, it would of course lead to an entirely new (yet familiar) set of questions, namely: where is everyone? We will come back to that later.

Everyone here is most likely very familiar with the potential advantages of a symbiosis between biological and artificial life: vastly improved memory capacity; having humanity connected to a 'neural net' of sorts that allows communication, the sharing of thoughts, emotions, and experiences; the ability to survive in extreme environments; digital immortality; etc. Considering those advantages one can clearly see that they would aid us in answering life's great questions, as well as aid us in satiating our defining trait as a species: curiosity.

Coming back to my earlier point, this of course still does not answer the question of "where is everybody?". Could it be that when this symbiosis and thus greater understanding of the universe occurs, the species reaches a conclusion that results in them doing everything possible to stay hidden from other potential lifeforms out of a desire for self-preservation? After all, our own species' history has shown us that higher life forms almost always rule over the lower ones. By combining organic with machine, you are now able to link every formerly organic mind into a "neural net" of sorts. Instead of individuals with different thoughts and feelings coming together to reach a decision, this new form of life is able to act as one. An analogy would be the Borg from Star Trek, albeit less sinister (I hope!).

I wanted to open up a discussion, as like I said this subject fascinates me, and I would like to hear what other people think. Thank you all, stay safe and stay healthy!

Submitted April 01, 2020 at 09:42PM by 0rion420 https://ift.tt/2ykjiLg

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