There was a story in myth compilation ‘Shi Yi Ji’ from ancient China, about an encounter between the first Chinese emperor, Qin Shing Huang (Born 259 BC) and the People of Wanqu (a mythical kingdom where the day span equals to ten thousand earth years).
The text in simplified chinese were writen as: “有宛渠之民,乘螺旋舟而至。舟形似螺,沉行海底,而水不浸入,一名‘论波舟’。其国人长十丈,编鸟兽之毛以蔽形。始皇与之语及天地衫开之时,了如亲睹。”
Roughly translated as: “People of Wanqu, arrived in a spiral ship. The ship looked like a snail, it could dive into the deep ocean, without being flooded by water, the ship was also called 'wave riding ship' (uncertain). People of the kingdom were extremely tall, wearing clothes that are made from animals' feathers and fur. They talked about the birth of the world with Qin Shi Huang, as if he was seeing it with his own eyes."
The event was supposed to happen right after Qin unifying China. Ever since then, Qin devoted his life to looking for the people of Wanqu and the medicine to immortality.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 08:43PM by Lorkhan_
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