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Monday, December 28, 2020

Good old element 115

Here is where I think the earth and mankind stands in the pecking order of galactic life.

We are probably pretty freaking smart and we probably are way better engineers than you average galactic Joe, simply because we have to be because we are still working with machines that have to have moving parts.

Now. If that’s true. Why are we stuck here ?

It’s element 115.

Let’s say that Lazar is correct about it being the key.

What we know about the real element 115 is that it would only occur within the context of the highest energy reactions available.

So. Collapsing black hole mergers. Quasars, merging neutron stars.

You get the idea.

Now. Waaaaaay out here, we earthlings are in the galaxy fringes. There isn’t much of that sparkly stuff going on. Nowhere near us at least.

But get closer in to the center and you can imagine there would be more 115 around. More action. More high energy events. More bangs per cubic parsec.

You might even be able to mine deposits of 115 that settled into the odd asteroid or primordial goo planet.

That leaves us earthlings in a pickle.

We need it. We’ve figured out how use it. But we don’t have any. And it’s all very far from here.

That leaves us having to trade up in the galactic trading game.

Trade what ? What do we have to trade ?

That’s the question.

Earth must be some kind of jewel. And there must be something valuable.

But. We are a backwater. We have No 115 and we are a long ways away from the “haves”.

We are a “have not” planet.

That means we have a long way to go.

Submitted December 28, 2020 at 09:06PM by hyperbolicuniverse https://ift.tt/2L6fHXu

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