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Thursday, April 1, 2021

New article on Inoreader

http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIczOFxwgv27AlTkZZMj8ywThis Woman Claims That She Took A Photograph Of A Giant Megalodon Shark While On A Plane -

This woman claims that she took a photograph of a giant Megalodon shark while on plane. Today, we take a look at this photograph of a Megalodon shark.

When the first fossils were discovered surrounding that of the Megalodon Shark, the finding more than took the world by storm, as many all across the planet wrestled with the idea of a prehistoric Earth at one time housing massive sharks the size of whales, and what that may have meant for the diverse ancient marine life existing alongside the now extinct creature during the height of its reign.

The size of the Megalodon is often disputed among researchers, but recent data suggests that this shark grew to lengths of up to 60 feet or 18.2 meters in length, while some researchers suggest that it could have reached a maximum length of 80 feet or 24.3 meters in length.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

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