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Friday, May 28, 2021

Why I Love "Unidentified Flying Objects" and Despise "Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" Besides The Extra Syllables. Names Are Important

"UFO" or "UAP": What's the difference-they both describe the same thing, right? Yes they do. However it makes a tremendous difference what we name them, because naming is very powerful.

Psychologists recognize, what advertisers and hucksters in and out of government have long abused--the power of naming. Naming is used to tame, manipulate and control regular people. "Branding" was once just what ranchers did to cattle. Now, mega corporations spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year to exercise that power to name and control their "brand"in order to make you spend your money to buy their stuff.

Several years ago the United States Government ("USG"), unabashedly began referring to "Unidentified Fly Objects" as "Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" Cattle never think-"Why?"

There is no shortage of books and articles about the tremendous power in the right to name. Indeed, in its beautiful prose, the Bible, fable or not, in its first chapter Genesis tells how God exercised the power of creation by the very act of naming itself. Why? Words have power. I love UFOs. UAPs piss me off.

In the last 70 years the USG has destroyed reputations, careers, and the lives of countless researchers, scientists, investigators and common people in its struggle to silence witnesses and keep the truth about flying saucers from us. The main stream media ("MSM"), has ridiculed and marginalized any poor schmuck that happened to report seeing one. Imagine the price witnesses paid for their candor, the next day at work with their boss and co-workers.

Now the USG and MSM are struggling to control the narrative, because too many ordinary people are witnessing and videoing UFOs. The USG in partnership with the MSM, can no longer continue their charade- that our community is composed of a bunch of "flying saucer nuts in tin foil hats. I am a flying saucer nut and have a roll of tin foil hats. But that is another matter.

Still, credible witnesses are suffering "ridicule" and "grief' as reported by Navy pilots, Cmdr. Dave Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich. Recently on "60 Minutes", they told about their encounter with a UFO while flying F-18s Hornet fighter jets for the Nimitz Aircraft Carrier Strike Group in 2014. To this day these 2 daring Navy fighter pilots express reluctance to talk about and their dismay at the possibility of "being made fun of" because of, their UFO encounter.

By branding UFOs as UAPs several years ago, the USG took a powerful first step to maintaining their waning control of the unfolding disclosure narrative. It's time we stop waiting and start actively participating in that narrative. The USG and MSM have had control of the narrative way too long. Look at the harassment, ridicule ruined lives their control still causes.

Look at where it has left us. Hopeless. Alone. And, afraid...(Oxford rules be damned)..

Left hopeless. Alone. And, afraid . But, only if we want to stay here. Dammit! We don't have to wait and watch. Let's do something. From now on let's reclaim our ownership of "UFO"s. Let the USG have its UAPs in its last gasp and grasp of control of the flying saucer story.

As for actual "flying saucers", it appears that everyone may soon enough see one for their selves. Everyone that has seen a flying saucer will tell you that, "that is exactly what they look like", while also displaying those extraordinary flight characteristics that we expect from flying saucers. They are not unidentified-they are flying saucers.

No doubt Dr. Stanton Friedman, one of the godfathers of flying saucer research, recognized the power of branding. That is why until the day he died, he called flying saucers- "flying saucers, dammit" and he called UFOs -"UFOs".

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional." Hunter Thompson

.I love UFOs. UAPs piss me off.

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 06:38PM by way26e https://ift.tt/3uwJ86b

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