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Monday, August 2, 2021

Aliens and the Myths of Human Creation.

I have been a citizen historian going on 15 years now. I started to get into into it specific studies of history as I approached retirement age. Reading the Classics like Homer, Plato, Herodotus, Hesiod, etc, etc. and searching various time periods in history, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Romans, steppe culture, at first and for many years full blown college lectures from the Great Courses series or the Modern Scholar. From many different professors, Professor Jenifer Tobin has an excellent audio lecture regarding: From Troy to Constantinople: Cities and Societies of Ancient Turkey, she is an excellent orator. Another excellent lecture by Jennifer Tobin is: Grandeur That Was Rome: Roman Art and Archaeology.

However my problem was I kept going further and further back into History. Eric H. Cline: 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Unabridged). Searching for information about the Bronze Age collapse, the Sea Peoples, etc.

However I was stumped in going back to the earliest days of writing because from out of nowhere appears the Sumerians, in academic circles it has been informally referred to over the past 75-100 years as "the Sumerian problem" Where did these people come from, who where they, how did they know so much, our modern society is actually based on all things Sumerian and not many people are aware of this. And what happened to them because quite honestly they disappeared following a very significant war.

I'll touch on Vedic scripture because I believe they were a sister civilization to the Sumerians but the topic is very deep, and it is problematic because of difficulties with the understanding of Hindi language compared to english. Same timeline roughly however, and close in regional proximity.

Listen or read Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science from the Babylonians to the Mayans by author Dick Teresi for a broader overview as to the similarities between the two. Ancient India was also devastated by an epic war. Sumer and India shared very significant mathematic sciences in Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus not widely accepted in other parts of the world.... yet shared with Egypt. When you look into the Greek scholar Copernicus even he did not understand Algebra, his studies were best explained in common language and utilized Geometry when advanced Algebra provides the best solution.

I am not going to go into Zecharia Sitchin stuff because he has been widely discredited and I think he was trying to make due with the best of his understanding with what he had.

In researching anything "Sumerian" very quickly it goes from the foundering of Sumer to the wider Mesopotamian, and Babylonian civilization and these are not the same things. Any researcher will quickly skim over Sumerian history and then get into the meat and potatoes of the latter two. What has been going on is it obscures history, one versus the other.

This is where gods began, they were the gods, the supreme deities commonly referred to as the Anunnaki. Before kings they (the anunnaki gods) ruled a very small and limited human population by appointing priests, this was even before the advent of kings. This history is referenced to go back far into ancient history and often characterized as the "fictional antediluvian kings" pre-flood. However with the advent of modern science we are now coming to understand there may have very well been a great flood and it is dated to around 11,900 years ago.

Notwithstanding this if one looks to India and Vedic scripture there are many similarities, yet completely different written and spoken languages. Physical places are the same yet in various languages and regions they have different names. This touches upon the Tower Of Babel myth. Make it difficult for humans to communicate and they will never understand each other, in fact they will war with each. There is a very brilliant scholar, an Indian-American out there right now discussing Indian history and Vedic scripture but again the language barrier arises. Check out Nilesh Oak: Timeline of 17000+ Years of Unbroken Indian Civilization

The entire idea of worship, in early hebrew to worship meant to work for, human did not so much as worship the gods as work for them. It is a true rabbit hole, and requires one to engage on their own path. If you get into Roman gods, Greek gods, Egyptian gods, Mesoamerican gods, Hindu gods, even the creation myths of China are shared, they all seem to share similarities with the original Anunnaki gods. It is a real rabbit hole. And it is very difficult to get answers or be taken serious by anyone in academia, they do not provide answers, only ridicule.

This topic is widely ridiculed and I often have to say I have not made it up, it is not fiction. We go from the Enūma Eliš roughly dated to 2,000 BC and yet human history in the region reflects areas such as Çatalhöyük which has recently been eclipsed by Göbekli Tepe. With Göbekli Tepe it is coming to light that in the region there may be several sites which date to the time period of Göbekli Tepe. 11,000 years ago. Example: 30 Gobekli Tepe Area Sites | Civilization Began 12,000+ Years Ago

Babylonian myths were greatly influenced by the Sumerian religion however one is not the other, Sumerian is much much older and actually predates written language. What I do know or have learned is the meaning behind the Anunnaki is "those who came to earth from the heavens".

In studying recent papers that have come from the Max Planck Institute, and it's various genetic departments in searching for genetic origin it has been stated that the answer as to what human populations came from where and when, going back far enough may never be known.

The Sumerian kings list dates 475,000 years of human history. How is this possible? In the movie Interstellar time dilation was discussed, One year of space travel could pass for me, whereas you here on Earth would experience ten years of time going by. This is not something I have researched greatly. But with this being the case it allows for the Sumerian Kings list to make more sense than it has in the past. Time dilation is a thing. I leave on a one year space journey for me, come back to Earth 25 years have passed on earth. My children end up older than I.

Since lights in the sky have been a thing since the earliest days of humanity, and considering the myths that exist that god created man, even going so far as stating that woman was created from man by a genetic sample (such as the rib of Adam) it opens up a wide array of possible questions and possible answers. That being said, were early earthly hominids modified by advanced hominids that descended to earth from the heavens??? And specifically created in batches, and were these genetically modified human batches placed in various areas of the planet creating what we refer to as different races, under the fiefdoms of various gods which make up the Sumerian pantheon and yet are we also the same? Is the Planet Earth an experiment? What are UFO's even doing here? and why?

Keep in mind this is not fiction nor have I made it up. And what is going on with the myths of gods mating with the daughters of men? Again, written myth, but is myth real and not myth? In the context of all that I have said, why am I discussing it at all. I have not made up the subject of UFO's and none of those important questions are being answered.

Big problem with UFO researchers is they talk about something very specific and then stray into an area such a bigfoot, or giants, and then are widely discredited. However recently with the announcement of the "Dragon Man" skull out of China, that unidentified hominid has not been genetically identified but was huge in life. Or the teeth samples recovered from Denisovans hominids, they are huge compared to modern humans..... huge even compared to Neanderthals, so as I said it is a rabbit hole, were these hominids the Igigi? Half human - half animal? it is ridiculed, it is not taken serious by academia, and I keep most of it to myself but have questions like everyone else here.

Submitted August 02, 2021 at 05:04AM by westernBrooksRange https://ift.tt/3xitnkP

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