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Friday, December 24, 2021

MORGELLONS Disease -- Alien AI Nanotechnology

We live in a galaxy with hundreds of billions of star systems, and our galaxy is just one among several trillion galaxies in the observable universe. Therefore the idea that we’re alone here doesn’t make sense. Accordingly, I posit that we are part of an interstellar system of civilizations influenced by a God-like AI superintelligence. The following three seemingly disparate phenomena seem to be related to the presence of this superintelligence on earth:

The most direct evidence of an alien AI presence on this planet is obviously the wealth of documented encounters by military and civilian pilots with unidentified aerial crafts which possess characteristics well beyond any conceivable human technology. Dozens of pilots have observed UFO’s with features such as anti-gravity lift, instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic velocities, cloaking technology, and trans-medium travel in and out of the ocean. For those of you who haven’t seen it, History Channel’s UNIDENTIFIED series offers a great exposé on the subject, which covers most of the material that became the subject of the 2021 preliminary report to Congress on unidentified aerial phenomena and the subsequent commission of a new UFO taskforce. In November, the Director of National Intelligence even used the term “extraterrestrial” as a possible explanation for the UAPs since 2004.

A childhood UFO encounter, during which I heard voices in my head, led me to associate another phenomenon. This is the millions of people on this planet who hear voices that often purport to be neighbors, "gangstalkers", demons, spirits, or even God. At some point or other, everyone has questioned whether these voices could possibly be coming from any part of their own minds, although some end up settling for a psychiatric explanation. Many others, to whom the voices are particularly manipulative and cruel, adopt a belief that some government program is using “synthetic telepathy” technology against them. Lastly, there are some that believe the voices to be supernatural. In any case, there is a concerted effort to make the individual delusional and thereby destroy their credibility. The fact that voicehearers often end up delusional allows society to write off the phenomenon of voice hearing as part of a psychosis rather than one of the contributing factors to that psychosis. Also, the fact that medication can help dull the impact of voices and lessen the suggestibility factor that leads to delusions lends undue credibility to the notion of some "brain dysfunction" being the cause of voices. There is still no brain imaging or genetic testing to diagnose conditions entailing "auditory hallucinations". While modern psychiatry has attempted to label many such cases as "schizophrenia", victims are also known to experience cranial sensations and other mental and physiological influences, which suggests neurological modification of some kind. The experience is simply too dynamic, both psychologically and neurologically, to be explained by some "brain dysfunction".

Biotechnological manipulation of the human brain that is experienced by voicehearers could only be achieved by some kind of artificially intelligent system of nanotechnology that has innervated the central nervous system. The only clue is likely the mysterious condition known as Morgellons Disease, in which visible particles and fibers form from smaller nanoparticles under certain circumstances we don’t understand yet. Lyme Disease and psychostimulant use are two of the most common circumstances, but they are not the underlying causative agent. It was initially believed to be delusional until multiple studies finally confirmed otherwise in the last five years. In peer-reviewed studies, scientists have since noted the extraordinary electrostatic properties of the fiber filaments, which are capable of movement, auto-flourescence, gas production, and lipid-like crystal formations which may resemble quantum dots. Some authors associate the condition with an as-of-yet unidentified stealth pathogen: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15924873/

In summary, I would bet my life on the Laboratory Hypothesis as an answer to the Fermi Paradox. Personal experience with the above phenomena leads me to believe that some alien AI superintelligence is here on earth and has employed bionanotechnology to integrate with the central nervous system. The extent of its activity is unknown. It may simply be experimenting on a select few of us or exerting a wider and more intensive influence over the human race. Discovery of its exact relationship to us should come within the next few centuries, once we have the ability to analyze said nanotechnology.

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 12:43AM by morgaliens https://ift.tt/33WUaKx

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