Backstory how I came into the research:
One day I was laying in my bed and wanted to grab my phone while it was dark, suddenly there was a small white dot near my face, I was looking straight at it and it looked like white noise. I didn't know what to think of it, like something was looking what I was grabbing and encountered it 3 times in my house. like a floating electricity.
Few weeks later, I tried to find things like people seeing white dots, orbs etc. but couldn't find anything related, only the regular stuff like spirits etc. and left it for a while.
Since I had a huge interest knowing about aliens, I started to wonder what are these light orbs, I previously thought they were their spirit or consciousness, as the brain is also made of electric light and neurons, which is partly true but these smaller light orbs might actually be spiritual orbs not the bright ones we see in the sky.
My research:
About 1 year later researching a lot of abduction stories and reading books on the topic. I learned aliens, humanoid hybrids or inter dimensional creatures can shift into an orb of light, I'm not talking about spiritual orbs but real bright light orbs we see in the sky flying in formations that science cannot explain.
I've read in someone's abduction story that an alien told her, you're inside an energy field no one can hear you. I've also read in a book where alien hybrids were training abductees how to control another human on a spaceship and she was inside what she call a white room but it was inside his energy field, were your body shrinks into the size of a ball. You can also conjoin each other's energy field, could this explain why larger orbs can pop out smaller orbs?
I started googling change body into light and came across an old Tibetan religion called Dzogchen, it seems Tibetan monks were able to change their bodies into a form of light and called it a Rainbow body, achieved through deep sleep meditation, also called dream yoga.
They state through being aware of your surroundings you can wake up from the physical life during your sleep, both work vice versa, and you become the dream which then is your reality, and the output of reality is energetic light if you can overcome your physical reality.
In science it is theorized as dematerializing into photons. In that state you can become transparent, like life becoming a transparent holographic simulation build off white energy and our conscious outputs reality through learning which eventually download texture packs as we perceive it, this is probably why some scientist start to debate if we are living in a simulation. During DMT we didn't learned the texture pack of that reality so experience it through our color spectrum.
Could this be close to finding out what light orbs are, does it relate to Albert Einstein's quote '' Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
Nikola Tesla: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
I'm really in favor of a simulation reality and everything being energy, it connects well to alien their abilities and need for hybridizing into our existence, it's like they are creating avatars in this simulation.
My personal take from this research is, energy or light orbs is turning into your original state of existence which is connected neurons and all is perception or a biological interface like we're living in a Matrix.
Submitted January 12, 2022 at 07:31PM by sumonespecal
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