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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Could there be a link between climate change, UFO technology and the sudden push for disclosure?

I think most of us could agree that the Govt and powers to be agenda's have shifted in recent years. 70 years of cover up's and denials have changed to public acknowledgment of UFO's and the acceptance that what we are seeing is "beyond our current understanding" and more than ever the thesis of some being of extraterrestrial origin is being taken more and more seriously.

But a big question now is why?

Assuming that the govt has been reverse engineering UFO tech for decades, which I believe they have, could the rapidly changing environment be the reason for the sudden push, in an effort to introduce zero point energy to replace fossil fuels, and change the way we power the earth, before we push the climate past the point of no return?

We already know that Co2 levels in PPM are rising faster than they did following the impact that eventually wiped out the dinosaurs, we know that the next mass extinction event is already well underway - the weather seems to be changing year on year, I'm in London and all week it's been 15°C, in the middle of winter, it gets warmer every year. I saw a post on reddit earlier and hundreds of people commented, expressing that were seeing noticable yearly changes and temp rises all over the world, and unheard of weather patterns for the respective area's.

So maybe it's happening far faster than they predicted, and know that our technology needs to change within the next 'X' amount of years to still be able to reverse climate change, before we hit zero barrier so to speak.

But you can't just introduce advanced technology out of the blue, a sudden result of years of black ops and reverse engineering programs, ones that you relentlessly denied existed. You have to introduce it slowly and in a way that makes logical sense to the public, hence the increasing disclosure, and now a new program exists, with the intent to study and understand UFO technology and behaviour, and to raise funding to try and re-create and reverse engineer it - their way of eventually being able to publically release this technology plausibly, just without the public knowledge that they have been developing it for 70 years.

Just a theory, I'm probably wrong, what are your thoughts on why their attitudes have changed so dramatically towards alien life and UFO's? Could it just be as simple as they think we are ready?

Submitted January 01, 2022 at 08:34PM by Bragggers https://ift.tt/3zhXQ4X

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