I’m in Texas and last night me and my girlfriend started getting stupid tired really early and our heads started pounding last night. We called it a night and got ready for bed. We both kind of rushed everything because of how fast we were drifting off.
Well, we live in a rather large home for 2 people. It has 3 other rooms. We went to bed in our normal bed. In the master bedroom. Nothing unusual other than how tired we were.
Then I have this horrible dream of this surgical rod thing being guided down my throat and smelling iron. Feeling a wild vibration inside myself. I remember thinking, this is it, they are going to blend me from the inside out like a smoothie. But I can’t for the live of me remember who they are. It’s just figures I was so out of it.
Then there was a white space where I waited until I started getting a headache again.
Then I woke up in a completely different room. And my significant other was also relocated. (First time this has ever happened) we both jolted awake just now and went looking for each other.
Here’s the thing tho. I feel incredible. My rash is gone. My lungs feel oddly new. I’m wide the fuck awake. Feel like I got 0 sleep. And shaken up.
My phone wasn’t moved which is what really get me fucked up. Even if I was to be stupid tired and leave this room, I always grab my phone. I woke up and was phoneless, sleeping the wrong way on a bed I never in my time of living here, had a desire to sleep on. While my girl experienced the same thing
Any one have anything similar? Thanks.
Submitted January 14, 2022 at 07:21AM by duxscientissimo https://ift.tt/3GsmjaM
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