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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Intelligent extraterrestrials are visiting us. Now imagine we advanced enough to visit other civilisations…

We can now pretty confidently say we are being monitored by something beyond our current understanding & it’s quite clear that the technology we are seeing in our skies does not belong to any group/military/country on Earth, therefore we are lead to the possibility that these are extraterrestrial beings studying/monitoring us… The crafts seen by pilots/airforce from almost every country on Earth seem to display intelligence and react accordingly to pilots manoeuvres & even show ability to have intel on the pilot’s missions (nimitz encounter).

Now imagine that we humans advanced to a point of having the ability to also travel to other planets with civilisations of their own…

Let’s firstly take a look at the North Sentinel Island analogy to help this digest: North Sentinel Island is an Island that is owned by India but inhabited by tribes people who have absolutely no contact to the outside world because it is prohibited by India. Previous visitors to the island by outsiders have mostly ended badly, causing the restriction on travelling to the island.

The people of the island may wonder, “where are the others?”, but because they are so cut off from the rest of the world, they wouldn’t even be able to perceive that they are owned by a much more powerful & advanced civilisation, which is actually the case.

If there was anything of interest there, humans would quickly take over the island & take what we desire, but we have enough land to not be interested in their island so it is left be & protected by the Indian government.

If the North Sentinels ever became advanced enough to travel by boat & start visiting other civilisations off their island, they would of course be brought up to speed with international laws & be given their own restrictions on what they can do with their new technology.

Now let’s apply this to our own situation we have with these visiting UAPs. I think we can all agree that there is most likely not one single species of extraterrestrial who can blip through space given the shear size of the universe & if we are the north sentinels, then these other intelligent species visiting us represent other countries.

I believe a civilisation intelligent enough to advance to being able to cross spacetime without blowing themselves up first through war & conflict would be a peaceful, well organised & extremely stable civilisation & to achieve this would require strict authority, organisation and cooperation with each other and any other civilisations advanced enough to cross their path.

It would make sense that us humans of Earth being a far lesser advanced civilisation who have just began technological advancement would certainly be an interest point of any civilisation with the capability of visiting us & they would want to monitor and protect us, just like how India protects the North Sentinels.

Therefore, if/when we gain the ability to blink through space and visit/find other civilisations, we would be briefed and hopefully welcomed into a galactic federation in place to protect life forms & we would probably certainly not be allowed to just land on another planet and announce ourselves.

There is most likely a scale of advancement to measure how advanced a planet is and depending on the measurement, certain restrictions would be in place. For example, as cameras are invented (most likely a universal piece of technology for any advancing civilisation), landings / flying over populated areas would be restricted.

All of this is just speculation on my behalf but it’s certainly thought provoking to think about.

Submitted January 11, 2022 at 06:58PM by GinoMontana https://ift.tt/3zNHPUN

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