I was out at my aunt’s property with her and my Nan. We had been there since sunset and we’re watching the stars. This place is like four hours from our nearest major city so light pollution is low as, though the moon was pretty bright tonight.
I had been taking long exposure photos of the stars on my phone. Got a few good ones too. I sit back down with them, and we’re all looking at the stars. My aunt has been pointing out all the satellites you can see - they look like stars both in brightness and the distance away your eyes can discern, but just move in a predictable trajectory.
Suddenly, she points out this really bright satellite that, weirdly enough, seems much closer. You know how you just tell how far away something is? Well yeah this one was self evidently much closer than you would expect a satellite to be. You can’t know for sure but I reckon within a couple hundred metres max. It too is also moving in a direction, so it mustn’t be a star. But the longer I look at this thing the more I notice about it that makes me think it’s not a satellite.
It’s wobbling!! It’s not steady in the way it’s moving, it’s kinda bobbing back and forth, side to side as it moves in this set direction. Immediately I know what it is. I’ve only been thinking about aliens seriously past couple months but yeah I already reckoned they were here doing their own thing… as they do.
I point out its weird movements to both them and they agree it’s very weird, unlike anything they’ve seen, and can’t be a satellite. I then pull out the ‘I think it’s a ufo’ but I don’t think they gave it a second thought, they were more distracted by this strange bobbing moving light in the sky. So I’m a bit more persistent in that I think it’s a ufo and eventually I get my Aunty interested enough to have a conversation about that absurd idea that I genuinely believe it to be an extraterrestrial vehicle.
Turns out she doesn’t think it’s that absurd and likes the way I think about it. She says believes that Roswell was a legitimate alien crash, and that gives me enough confidence to pull up that Bob Lazar clip on this subreddit that explains how the craft fly, and why at low speeds they look goofy - they bob back and forth cause they continually pulling themselves with their gravity generators or whatever. And yeah, this thing was moving at pretty a slow speed - we we’re watching it for about a minute, minute and a half - and is behaving exactly as predicted.
In the end I don’t get a definitive “yeah I agree” but it seemed to be they weren’t able to internalise any better explanation for this uniquely intense light with unexplainable movement and proximity, and at least liked the idea that it was extraterrestrial.
But also! To see it with your own two eyes EXACTLY matching the explanation Bob gave as to how they fly is absolutely fascinating. Nice to know I’m not crazy for this left-field belief. And it gives a shit tonne more credibility to Bob Lazar for me now.
Also that I was in close enough proximity to an extraterrestrial (or at least extraterrestrial tech) to recognise it. So cool.
Just wished mans came back to me to give a me a tour or something.
Submitted February 11, 2022 at 08:34AM by snapppyb https://ift.tt/PABtC51
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