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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Men in Black hybrids and Nicole's case in Alaska.

Couple of days ago I remember once watching videos of a few bald man acting strange on a security camera, mind controlling a woman at the reception. I went back to the video again because I always thought it were probably just some young students making a fake video creating a hype online.

I digged a little deeper into the case, it seems this case isn't fake at all. The women reached out to the YouTube channel to tell what happened, she seemed worried about the whole situation, even showed on camera they put an implant in her arm which got infected.

Abduction video:

Interview of the girl:

Here is why I might think this video is legit:
It involves mind control, she told it felt like sleep Paralysis, MIB are exactly reported to look or dress like that. There has been an implant put in her right arm which can happen after hybrids abduct people, they wanted her camera and took the SD card pictures from the cave she took pictures in when hiking with her friends.
She didn't tell which cave it was but mentioned crystals so I suspect it to be the Castner Glacier cave in Alaska.

It could be that she took photo's from a UFO and they wiped her memory from that event. As or hybrids do not want us to know about them.

Here is a link where someone else looked into case as she was missing for one day:

Submitted February 06, 2022 at 07:32AM by sumonespecal https://ift.tt/axnZedF

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