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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Was Bobby Ray Inman’s MJTWELVE cover blown prior to his 1994 confirmation hearing?

Back down in the Rabbit Hole again, I came across some interesting remarks from Gordon Novel relating to Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (ret.):

Interviewer: And what about Bobby Inman? What’s he involved in?

Novel: [smiles] He’s reputedly ah, MJ-4, but whether he is or not I don’t know. He’s a nice guy. He and I are friendly, so I’m not going to say anything negative about Bob. I don’t know anything negative.

Interviewer: So, isn’t he part of Disclosure. Didn’t we hear that?

Novel: We hear it, but, you know, it’s one thing to hear it and it’s another thing to do it. You know, it’s one thing to say it. It’s another thing to do it. So...

https://projectcamelot.org/lang/en/gordon_novel_interview_transcript_en.html (3/4 down the webpage)

After a bit more excavation of the rabbit hole, I found the following:

  1. Inman was nominated by then-President Bill Clinton to be Defense Secretary in December 1993. He was considered to be a very sharp Intelligence Community insider, having been the Director of Naval Intelligence, Director of NSA, and Deputy Director CIA (at one stage, when transitioning from DIRNSA to DDCI, he held both positions simultaneously, and according to NSA folklore wrote memos to himself to get favorable policies pushed through regarding budgets). He was a veteran of the war between NSA and CIA, preventing a proposal from DCI Stansfield Turner for CIA to absorb the NSA functions during the Carter / Regan administrations, and was due to attend his Confirmation Hearing in late January 1994.
  2. On the 12th January 1994, a group called the Computer UFO Network (CUFON) decided to write the following memo and send it to the mainstream media and selected members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in order to ask certain questions to Inman during his confirmation hearing:

Has Secretary of Defense designate Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Ret., made

statements indicating that the U.S. Government has extraterrestrial craft in

its possession? Admiral Inman has been credited with making such statements

which have been construed as meaning that he was aware:

\* that "recovered vehicles" (meaning extraterrestrial alien craft*) have been in possession of the government for over 10 years,*

\* he had "some expertise" in the area of UFO before his retirement,

\* that he has been aware of a program to "indoctrinate the public" in UFO


\* that he "understood who is behind the technology in the crafts" meaning

extraterrestrial alien beings*,*

\* that the matter (of U.S. government recovery and possession of alien UFO craft) was covered by the "national security laws".

The distribution list was as follows:

Senator John McCain Senator John Glenn Senator Jeff Bingaman

Senator Edward Kennedy Senator D. Kempthorne Senator Carl Levin

CNN Larry King Live The Washington Post Reuters America

AP UPI Adm. Inman


  1. On the 18th January 1994, Inman held a press conference and announced he would not be seeking nomination as Secretary of Defense. Was Inman’s decision a direct result of not wanting to lie under oath about the subject when asked (particularly by Senator Kennedy, who knew better than most of the power of the MAJESTIC GROUP) and to suppress the existence of the alien presence to the general public?


  1. Some interesting comments from Inman at the following timestamps:

· 24:00 – Inman discovered in 1981 that Israel had direct access to the imagery produced by the NRO’s Talent Keyhole compartment (they didn’t have to ask for imagery). He was curious as to how the IDF had used IMINT for the attack on the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. Inman changed this arrangement, most likely over simmering feelings still felt over the USS Liberty incident, in which NSA civilian SIGINT operators were killed. I found this curious because prior to the creation of the NRO, the CIA was responsible for the KEYHOLE satellites. The person responsible for the “Israeli desk” at CIA for 20 years was none other than James Jesus Angleton, the only CIA officer who has their own memorial garden in Jeruselum. In Honor of James Angleton, Founding Father of the CIA-Mossad Alliance (deepstateblog.org)

· 29:00- Senator John McCain is mentioned (one of the CUFON memo recipients)

· 31:00 - The Clinton’s involvement in the Whitewater Affair is mentioned

· 32:15 – “There are certain clubs I won’t resign from” (specifically the Bohemian Club / Grove, but I wonder if this is a veiled speech reference to MAJESTIC TWELVE)?

· 39:50 – “I scare the bejesus out of people because I am a product of the Military-Industrial Complex

  1. The Clinton connection is interesting too – did they “cotton-on” to MAJESTIC TWELVE through Inman’s declination of the DEFSEC position, and become interested in this subject matter as a way to make money (by selling classified info) after they left the Whitehouse? Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House | HuffPost Latest News and Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG (nbcnews.com)

  2. Gordon Novel was the predecessor to Tom DeLonge regarding Disclosure. He was trying to shop a movie around Hollywood called The Supreme Cosmic Secret. In this interview with New Realities’ Alan Steinfeld, he name drops John Podesta as someone he has been talking to in this regard (30:11 timestamp): https://youtu.be/eFa_lTkESD0

  3. Inman was also on the board of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), which Ex-NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler, believed was involved in UFO research alongside other major aerospace contractors. Oechsler was the original source of the CUFON statements, which he obtained from Inman via a phone interview in 1989: Ex-NASA man who claimed space agency was covering up ET visitations, 'alien corpse in a cryogenic tank' and UFOs dies (thesun.co.uk)

  4. I found this reference to “M/J Operations” on the CIA Reading Room site:

Corona KH4 satellites

Initially, I thought these birds were tasked with trying to capture UAPs / UFOs interacting with atomic radiation clouds, as there were 4 nuclear tests at the Tonopah Range around the date of the memo which studied nuclear fallout propagation. However, as much as I would like M/J to reference MAJESTIC/JEHOVAH, I believe it is in reference to the model of the CORONA KH-4 “M” / KH-4 “J” satellites that were used at the time. CORONA (satellite) - Wikipedia)

The tests of nuclear radiation around the time the memo was written may have been what they (and other partner nations) were interested in. At the time, the Keyhole satellites did 80-90 orbits (around 3 days) and then the film was ejected, re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, and was caught by an airplane as it descended by parachute. The still-redacted portions of the mission profile and memo may be a reference to the CIA setting up their film and computer systems to share the data directly with Israel, obviously under the ever-watchful eye of the Owl – James Jesus Angleton. His dual role as Chief of Counter-Intelligence and custodian of the Israel desk at the CIA has always puzzled me. Secret JFK document #2: James Angleton's testimony > JFK Facts

As an aside, I have always considered the creation of Israel in 1948 as having been directly related to the crash retrievals of 1947 and the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls the same year. The source of this information was passed to me (and anyone else at the time who was interested) in a very peculiar way. When I started my working career in 1989, I traveled into the Central Business District of Sydney, Australia every weekday. Occasionally, I would come across a homeless-looking guy with a scruffy beard and long hair that had two paper flour sacks tied together over his shoulders, like a walking billboard sign. On these sacks he would draw in very elaborate, cursive writing “UFOs are Gods”, “Ezekiel 1:16 was describing a UFO”, and “2018 – 70 years after Roswell the Lord will return”. I would see him at various places – standing on the side of the busy Bradfield Hwy leading to the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Central Railway Station, and other random places. He would just stand there, not talking. I even approached him once to ask him about it, and he just stared through me, not uttering a word. The last time I saw an example of his work in 1991 was probably the weirdest though – he had nailed it onto a telegraph pole in the backstreet of a small town 60 kms from Sydney. I found this strange as it was out the back of a small church where I had just attended a wedding – definitely not for the mainstream view. I would be interested to know if anyone else had ever seen or heard of this strangely prophetic fellow.

Gordon Novel’s interview with Jack Sarfatti has some notable timestamps, though not related to Inman or UFOs specifically:


· 15:26 – claims J. Edgar Hoover was compromised by films/photos “with kids” (al la Epstein Island?)

· 20:00 – mentions “the Dragstrip”. How did Novel find the CIA? He didn’t, they found him. Novel bought a disused dragstrip in 1960 with grand plans for it. Also located on the land were secure bunkers for storing explosives used by O&G company Schlumberger. CIA needed access to the bunker for the Bay of Pigs operation, so they approached Novel for the key, and thus started the relationship.

· 21:00 – “yeah I was involved with Angleton, Colby, and Conein – don’t forget the name Lucian Conein”. One of the original OSS members along with Hunt, Helms, and Colby, and had connections with the Corsican Brotherhood during WW2. Novel says to “remember” his name, because Conein was most likely directly involved in the recruitment of Corsican hitman Lucian Sarti for “the Big Event” (JFK assassination).

Lucien Conein (spartacus-educational.com)

· 21:47 – Indictment by Garrison. It is hard to watch Gordon Novel’s interviews, mainly because he talks in riddles. I believe this is primarily because he sued Jim Garrison, who claimed Novel worked for the CIA. Having won the lawsuit, he was probably reluctant to admit that he actually did work for them, in case he perjured himself. Novel and William Colby both made enemies in the FBI when they worked on the Waco inquiry and did not want to kick the hornet’s nest again.

This hole is deep, though Admiral Inman is still alive and he may now be more open to discussing "Disclosure".

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 06:33AM by Harry_is_white_hot https://ift.tt/KjfXnM9

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