From what I hear in the old conspiracy circles, as a species we are pretty much very psychicly weak hence why most of us aren't aware of it except for the odd one who's ability is naturally slightly higher.
We have one litlle quirk to that ability; while our psychic potency is limited, our range is not. Our ability to remote view can be trained to a high degree apparently.
If true, this could go a ways to explaining our suppression. A united human species with the collective ability to remote view, would pose a huge security risk for any antagonistic galactic power.
Which brings me neatly onto the alien breeding programme issue. The most common narrative threads in abduction accounts are psychic ability, specifically telepathy and genetic manipulative breeding programmes.
If you subscribe to the information provided by regression hypnotic therapist Barbara Lamb in her book "Meet the Hybrids", there is two ideological opposed breeding programmes going on.
On the negative size, there's a programme by competition based non-human entities to co-opt that psychic range into their own being.
On the positive side, there's a programme by cooperation based non-human entities to raised human psychic ability, to provide them a powerful ally against the completion based entities.
If any of this is factual, how does that effect the human species going forward? Do we choose to be a competion based species, do we choose to be a cooperation based species or do we continue to be a blend of the two?
Submitted February 13, 2022 at 04:20AM by Transsensory_Boy
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