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Saturday, March 12, 2022

The True Aliens - Saint Christopher's Blog

In this article I will give my rough understanding of the alien topic. Which has nowadays become virtually a household topic. Most of the information I have received here has been from The Great White Brotherhood’s book “Aliens the Strange Truth” and you can find a link to that book Here.

So, the true aliens are very similar to humans but are entirely inter-dimensional that is they live in between dimensions and can enter our realities if they do so choose and as with humans you have good ones and bad ones. But they are actually brought about from people’s unused personality bundles so if you have a human who is full of joy and happy and positive then you will most likely produce an alien of similar traits.

The aliens have of course their own agendas with things, and some have similar if not the same agendas as us humans and so we are able to work alongside the aliens to have a positive effect on humanity and the world if we do so choose.

However, you also have the grey aliens who are actually demonic in nature and work with intelligence agencies to produce a disastrous effect on the world. Of course, it is their choice if they want to work alongside actual demons and invite them into their reality, but that is their choice. Which I of course disagree with because to work alongside demons is terribly foolish, I guess it’s a question of what those humans that work alongside them really want, but its sad because they don’t know what they really want.

Generally, the true aliens which are humanity’s unused personality bundles serve life and are very advanced compared to us humans and so we would do well as a species to listen to them and their advice for humanity because they know much more than we currently do in our current stage of advancement. But of course, that isn’t to say that the aliens are here to take us over. The good aliens are here to help us. I leave humanity to judge the intentions of aliens because as I said some are good and some are bad, and some work with other species going back thousands of years. So its up to humanity if aliens are ever disclosed to the public by our Governments if these aliens are acutally here to help us, or if they are here to enslave us alongside our politicians - I leave you who read this article to be the judge of that.

If there were to be aliens come to our planet in an ideal world we would treat them with respect and love (even the bad true aliens) because aliens are as much apart of life as we are and we have the right to life as they do, but that isn’t to say that we should judge the actions of aliens because they work on much higher levels of reality and we would be wise as a species to not condemn their actions out of hand because they know a lot more than we do about many things, the good aliens work alongside The Great White Brotherhood (you can read more about The Great White Brotherhood on the about page)in serving man also because they have the same objectives which is to help people and assist man incarnate and discarnate and we as a species could never do with enough help in promoting things like peace, love etc.


Submitted March 13, 2022 at 02:33AM by SufficientDistrict10 https://ift.tt/lm0vGJz

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