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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

A brief on the May 4th abduction

Hello everyone, I got banned from here around the time I got majorly hacked, and bot accounts started posting like crazy in a manipulation scheme across the internet.

People had known about the aliens and have been paying certain 

personalities to have online profiles since possibly forever. These people may have known I existed for a very long time without me knowing. I believe they were paying away my life from a previous man who could bring aliens Yahweh, who had ordered the murders of people. I was just releasing my stress privately in front of my phone and people ended up getting killed, then people were acting like I did it. I sometimes said things to mock someone I was thinking would obviously not be me, and people might have taken it too far. Whatever it was, it was a misunderstanding.

They basically rigged my life and relationships were bought away to infiltrate me preemptively. Since then, things seem to have been cleared up and people aren’t so afraid of me attacking them. I support non-violence unless it is self defense. I had no proof any of this was happening until recently.

Doctors also misdiagnosed me and that motivated people to think bad things about me. I was taught to eliminate stigma with my mental health by making art. A hospital admitted they misdiagnosed me.

I was thinking the aliens would show after I helped to make a law and that was when in mid April of 2021 I saw that there was a separate Utah monolith with a blue L.E.D., an eye of Horus/Ra, strips with the coordinates to the only state sponsored qigong hospital in China with the words HUMAN MAY 4th on them. On May 3rd 2021 a U.F.O. document was ordered to be released by the Pentagon. The day after, I was hacked from someone paid to be online I was just talking to. I have since found that there may not be a way to not get hacked even with a strong password. I worked all this time to figure out what was going on. The monoliths looked like a message from the aliens to show they have control over space-time. The Eye of Horus/Ra are representative of a so called alien Horus who lived with and taught human agriculture in ancient Egypt. To me it was a message to make qigong available to doctors all over the world to make healthcare stronger, and to eliminate people trying to start cults with qigong. Medically, there is a certain ethics to qigong and to the way it is taught. There can be people like me who have qigong marks that a doctor doesn’t even know how to start with.

Qigong can also help bring world peace as a more wholistic standard to care. Healthcare lifetime costs would go down. The aliens also look to have used ancient Egypt as a way to teach me about what is going on. The meanings and symbolism, even my way of life these days aligns with Horus. They want to help people to believe in them and that they can do miracle healings, perhaps with machines. Qigong is standing meditation and is one of the lesser known martial arts. Qigong is the relationship of the organs and it was created/ discovered to save someone who had committed suicide. Many thousands of years of discovery and work have already gone into qigong. Qigong was given yo us by aliens who created the sun and all the materials on Earth. Their goal seems to be to create people to join them as creators of universes. Things like fair laws also helps the aliens to be less afraid to join the planet. They were always here send the abductions all seem to try to bring world peace. Since the aliens did something May third of last year, Reddit has been abducted.

TLDR; Reddit got abducted by aliens and the aliens can communicate through time travel.

Submitted April 13, 2022 at 10:43PM by Sciencelego https://ift.tt/aV2MmGE

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