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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Huge birds that I only ever saw at my grandmas house

As a kid at my grandmothers house she had a huge tree in the yard, and the neighbor also had a huge tree, well we started seeing these big birds, like huge birds and I’m not saying huge just because I was a kid and everything was big to me, I’m saying huge because these things were massive. They would just sit in the same place, literally All day long. They would always show up when we were playing outside and stayed there even after we went inside.

I also have an aunt who in Mexican culture we call a “bruja” so she reads cards, lights candles, the whole 9 yards. People have paid her big money for her services and even out of state people have gone to see her. Well, I only mention that because she used to do the stuff at my grandmothers house, and then these Huge birds would show up that she would say we’re not birds, they were just disguised. She mentioned that certain beings could disguise themselves in order to confuse, disorientate or catch you off guard. Explaining that the other side is real and they exist in our world, and that working with the spiritual world opens that door

My neighbor even went as far as to climb the tree and nail fake snakes to it to scare them off but it was useless they always came back. I’ve still never seen that bird anywhere else before and never have, only there at my grandmothers house.

Submitted April 14, 2022 at 11:08AM by Swaggysagesi6pths https://ift.tt/IbjoNAB

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