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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Why are we allowed to talk about Gray aliens but not Reptilians or Mantid aliens?

I'm not talking specific about the r/Aliens mods but this goes even for conspiracy subred's or people reading it.

Talking about reptilian aliens have become a taboo, seen as low educated, or as someone that believes anything or even be a thread to society.

I don't want to push my believes to anyone but both Gray's Mantids, Nordic blondes and Reptilians are reported during hypnotic regressions done on abducted people that remember seeing a light in the sky, which the government reports as UAP's or UFO's.

It's a bit odd that nobody wants to touch this subject not even hypnosis/ conspiracy or alien subreddits.
Whether it's real or not, it's worth discussing as it relates just as much to aliens as Grays.

I think ignorance is the biggest thread to our society and our own ego's, we should be skeptic but also open minded.

Submitted April 12, 2022 at 01:09PM by sumonespecal https://ift.tt/DJT81fP

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