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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Documentary (from 2001): Voronezh UFO Landing with Aliens in 1989 (in English), plus more witness statements.

This is a segment from the show Giants: The Mystery And The Myth (2001) that was aired on the Discovery Channel.

Giants: The Mystery And The Myth (2001) - Voronezh Segment

Here are the full witness statements from the book UFO IN VORONEZH or НЛО в Воронеже.

Alexander Nikolayevich Kutishchev:

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Alexander Nikolayevich Kutishchev:

It was not immediately possible to persuade Alexander Nikolayevich Kutishchev, an elderly but rather strong man of about sixty, who works as a janitor, to tell about what happened and go to the UFO landing site, which he witnessed. Finally, he agreed, and with our small group (only G. Silanov is not with us, because he, like each of us, has the main job that you can’t quit at any moment) on Vyacheslav Martynov’s Zhiguli we go to Mashmet (specific area within Voronezh). To the left of the highway stretches a neglected field. Obviously, there used to be private gardens here, but this year the land was not cultivated, and the site was filled with weeds that had dried up by autumn.

"Stop, - Alexander Nikolaevich shows with his hand. - Here it was, at the beginning of the evening, forty people got off the train. We see a sphere flying, glowing, and it began to jump over the field, two or three times, up and down.

The most curious, including myself, ran across the road to take a closer look. I was standing on this hillock," Kutishchev recalls the details. Apparently, it is the first time in his life that he has to talk about unidentified flying objects.

"And then it seemed - a ghost in the form of a man", Alexander Nikolayevich continues. "The door in the sphere opened and he stood there. The people murmured: “Look, look, there is some kind of person!” Bigger than me. He looked so powerful. And the head - the devil knows - like this", - drawing his head into his shoulders -, Alexander Nikolayevich “draws” an arc in the air with his hands, thereby showing that the “ghost” he saw did not have a neck. Then he finds the right word: “You know, he was like a robot, clumsy. On his chest - something like a square shield, and in his hands some kind of stick, like a crutch. He lowered it down again - either leaned on it, or took something out with it. I didn't see it, it was far away."

"But this sphere was not quite round, but flattened, gray in color. There were three lights on it, red, like a brake light on a car. It was not standing on the ground, but hovering just a little higher", - Kutishchev shows with his hand at chest level.- "This man then turned around - as if he looked at us - and disappeared through his door. As it flew away, there was a squeal. The sphere rose a little, stopped in place and - gone", Kutishchev waves his hand, showing how the sphere instantly disappeared.

The next day we go to the "Mashmet" and verify the Alexander's story. Sitting in the car and not yet knowing the coordinates, Genrikh Mikhailovich catches the right direction with a dowsing frame on the go and not far from the place where we recorded Kutishchev’s story on videotape the day before. He asks to stop the car. Fifteen minutes later, Genrikh Mikhailovich, without anyone's prompting, with the help of only one frame, goes to the site known only to us. We examine it again, affirming our opinion: the object did not touch the soil. By the way, Kutishchev also said this, but in his own words. In two places, up to one and a half meters, the stems of plants are crushed, some are uprooted by some kind of circular rotational movement.

It is noticeable how the stem is split and twisted at the roots of one of them. The first thing we thought about was maybe someone tried to twist this weed out of the ground in the summer, when it was green? But no, they found fresh black soil on the roots. Similar traces could be left by a small tornado. But the frame in the hands of Genrikh Mikhailovich rotated in these zones, forming circles with a diameter of about four meters, at a rather high speed (the video camera captured these moments), and in our archive, there was a video recording of the story of A. N. Kutishchev! It is impossible to imagine a more convincing, impressive evidence!

Volodia Startshev and Sergei Makarov:


Volodia Startshev:

On September 28, there is a whole “fireworks” of events. Moreover, the first of them, as the seventh grader of the 33rd school Volodya Startsev claimed, happened in the afternoon:

“I went for a walk with the boys - we skipped a foreign lesson language. Lesha Nikanorov and Sergei Makarov were with me and we went to the park. At about half past three we saw a sphere flying very slowly from the direction of the kindergarten. The sphere is large, in the middle it had something similar to the letter "Zh", and on one side there are two antennas.

He passed over the light post and landed near the poplar. Its color was pink, but it changed its color. The sphere stood on four legs. Then a hatch opened, a ladder descended, and three people got out: two people and a robot. They carried the robot out on their hands, put it on its feet, made it come alive - pressed it several times on the chest - and it walked like a human.

When the sphere landed, the guys and I ended up on opposite sides of it: the guys on one side, me on the other. The alien walked towards me, extended his hand. And I got scared, climbed a tree and trembled with fear. The alien's head was large, twice as large as ours, and it had three eyes, almost at the same level, only the third eye was some kind of red and in a mesh. He was taller than average. Then the aliens went to Alyosha Nikanorov. He first looked at them, then ran to the house.

Sergei Makarov added to the story of his friend:

“There was nothing to be seen inside the sphere. When the door opened, a bright light beamed from there, blinding us. The aliens were dressed in silver suits, silver vests with clasps and buttons, and silver boots. Their faces were brown, their skin smooth, their hands, I think, five fingered."

Volodia Startshev drawing:

Volodia Startshev drawing of the UFO and Alien

Volodia Startshev reenacting the UFO incident of climbing the tree to escape from the alien:

Volodia Startshev climbing up a tree to escape the Alien UFO occupant

Dennis Murzenko:


Dennis Murzenko:

Dennis Murzenko, like Startsev, studies at the same 33rd school in a parallel seventh grade. He was the only schoolchild witness who saw the UFO, not in the park, but next to his own house on Tsimlyanskaya Ulitsa (street view):

“On the twenty-eighth of September, my mother and I were going to a Presnyakov concert. I had already dressed and decided to take a walk. The time was ten minutes past seven. I go out onto the road, look at the sky and see: something pink, like an egg, is flying, big, big, and rays depart from it. It was descending, at a height of about the seventh floor, it released two legs and began to swing and move back and forth. Then it started to slowly drop.

I look, it has the letter “Zh” on it and the outlines of a person, like a shadow from there, from the inside. Head and torso as tall as me. The face is old. I stood, and it sank lower and lower. I got scared and ran to my house. When I turned around, I saw bright rays. The object landed near the sheds, next to reinforced concrete slabs. There was a sound like music. In the open hatch I saw the silhouette of a man. After that, I ran into the house... "

Dennis Murzenko Drawing:

Dennis Murzenko Drawing of the UFO and Alien Occupant

S. A. Matveyev:


S. A. Matveyev:

Was it not this apparatus descending to the ground that was seen by police lieutenant S. A. Matveyev, who was not far from the park on the evening of September 27?

“I had to go get some bread. I looked at the clock - 18.45. I managed to go to the store just before closing, and when I returned home, it was ten minutes past seven. At that time, I saw a reddish sphere in the sky, which was flying towards the aircraft factory. It was about the size of the moon. Next to me was a neighbor. We looked at the sphere for two or three minutes. After exchanging impressions, we decided to wait to see if he would appear again. Indeed, twenty minutes later, another sphere flew along the same trajectory, outwardly the same as the first."

“I observed this phenomenon around 19 pm. It was already quite dark, the sky was cloudy. The white object was flying completely soundlessly at an altitude of about 200-250 meters (650-825 feet). It moved quite quickly, without any rays or illumination. There was only a slight "neon" glow around him. It flew into the lateral side of the reservoir and, it seemed to me, began to descend. In any case, I observed this phenomenon for a short time, about five seconds. Unfortunately, I didn’t see how it landed, but the fact that the object flew completely silently and at high speed is can be considered quite reliable."

To see the original Soviet TV NEWS special and the Spanish TV special on the Voronezh landing , see this post:


Submitted May 28, 2022 at 07:58AM by ItsTheBS https://ift.tt/itCYLvc

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