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Thursday, May 26, 2022

My "Abduction" experiences

I put Abduction in quotations... because honestly, a part of me really wants to believe they were all dreams. I made this account to share my experience, and in a way to organize my thoughts on the matter..... as my curiosity has peaked since 2017. Something that I was able to easily attribute to dreams, suddenly became more real... I don't expect much out of this, but reading some other people with abduction experiences is very eerie due to the similarities.

I've had a life long interest in UFOs and Aliens/Abductions since my experiences (or dreams) at a young age.

The time line for events is between 9yo to 27yo, between the years 1993 and 2012.
As far as I can remember, I have not had any experiences since 10 years ago.

My experiences have often occurred while I was experiencing sleep paralysis, although not always.

I stopped getting sleep paralysis when the experiences stopped, I have not had it in 10 years.

There were times when I was younger I would get sleep paralysis multiple times a month or even in a week. They happened so often, it started to irritating me to the point of trying to break out of it.

Usually just muted gurgles as I tried to scream out loud, faint movements, before feeling as if I was being drugged back to sleep forcefully.

Not all of my sleep paralysis was connected to some experience, and the forcing back to sleep happened just the same.

However,.. sleep paralysis during an experience seemed a bit different, if I laid still, didn't try to resist - I could lay there for awhile before falling back to sleep, but if I struggled to move, to speak or yell - my body felt like pins and needles, as if my leg had gone to sleep, but for my entire body where I tried to move. (this pins and needle feeling didn't happen during normal sleep paralysis without experience)

I am not a fearful person, nor am I very emotional... thinking of lost loved ones do not make me feel the intense feelings I get when I see the stereotypical large eyed aliens like on the cover of the book Communion:


My eyes tear up, I feel intense pressure on my eyes, and I feel terror.

When this first started happening when I was young ~9yo, it honestly gave me PTSD at the time, and it felt like I was sometimes being watched through out the day. (Thankfully I no longer suffer for these psychological issues....)

My personality shifted, and I went from a very energetic active young boy, to very reserved and careful. I remember my mom asking me around that time why I was acting so different, and I replied basically saying I was saving my energy... she asked "for what?" and I didn't have an answer.

When the experiences first started happening, I noticed it didn't seem to happen if I was sleeping with someone else in the room.... so I started sleeping on my parents floor until I realized that didn't actually help....


There were many other experiences that don't stick out in my memory....

(when I say strange dreams, basically some sort of weird alien dream)

1) strange dreams, not coherent - wake up in bed with sleep paralysis, fall back to sleep, wake up later with arms crossed against my chest (I never sleep like this)

2) strange dreams, no coherent - wake up on floor next to my bed, same arms cross along chest

3) This one happened when I was sleep on my parents floor.... strange dreams - the only thing I really remember was my dad and mom standing up next to their bed, my dad telling me it's okay and it's nothing to be worried about. I do not recall seeing anything else.

After this one... I no longer slept in my parents room, as it was apparent it didn't really help and just seemed to include other people who wouldn't have been included otherwise...

4) Sleeping at my gf's house (at the time)

Sleep paralysis - irritated as it was happening a lot during that time, started to break out of paralysis.... I started trying to yell and move violently and eventually broke out of it to a fully awake state....

This is by far the weirdest thing I have every experienced regarding this...

As I broke out of the sleep paralysis, the following things happened:

  • The whole room appeared to shake violently
  • Sound changed...
    • I could hear my computer fan go from a slow whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, becoming faster and faster until it was the usual fan sound....
  • Light appeared to flash on and off quickly, as if someone was flicking the light switch on and off
    • (it was night time and the room was dark)
  • As the light flashed in the room, I could see two silhouettes behind a curtain (that was separating the room)
    • The silhouette on the left appeared to be a person about 6ft tall
    • The silhouette on the right (they were standing next to one another) was about 3-4ft tall

This all occurred in about 5-10 seconds, when I "woke" up I had a very strong calm feeling ... very very very calm, which was very strange due to what just happened... I remembered almost falling back to sleep but stopped myself as I wanted time to think about what had just happened...

5) Sleep paralysis - open eyes and look around, kind of looks like my room but not exactly, and everything along the walls appeared to be blurred out... I started trying to move and break free and get a voice in my head that says calmly "It's okay, this is nothing to worry about, go back to sleep" pins and needles along my body, and a feeling of being drugged/forced back to sleep...

Wake up with my arms crossed along my chest

6) I moved a great distance from where I used to live ~5000km, and part of me hoped the experiences would stop... but they didn't

One night I woke up suddenly around 1:15am looking at my alarm clock, and then going back to sleep

"wake up" again in my bed, sleep paralysis, pins and needles along my body, sleep a dark figure next to my open bedroom door, top of the head near the door knob... ~3ft tall

I start to freak out, try to move, scream... unable

My whole body begins to levitate towards my bedroom door (feet first) towards the dark figure... as I get closer I can see what looks to be large glossy eyes on the head reflecting light from the window, I cant make out any other details... as I float by I feel it touch my forehead.... I wake up in my bed and feel the pressure of the touch release... arms crossed in bed along my chest.... look at the alarm clock ~3:30am

7) Last experience I remember... strange dream of struggle, running away, attempted escape, someone grabs my hand and pulls me by my thumb...

Wake up, noticed later that day I have a mark on my thumb, which kind of looks like a burn mark, but doesn't hurt, weird shape, it wasn't there the day before and I don't recall doing anything that would leave a mark like that...

I have not had any experiences that I recall since then, I also no longer get sleep paralysis... before it stopped I probably had 100 or so episodes of sleep paralysis.

I developed intense tinnitus in 2013, not from hearing damage/loud sounds, but possible viral infection?...


  • Followed me over a long distance, or maybe separate entities ?
  • Cold, Calculating, Uncaring,
  • Bug like or Mechanical like
  • Long fingers?
  • Large glossy eyes
  • Sounds of fast clicking, communicating between each other?
  • Terror - intense terror

Sorry for the long post... but it feels better to get this off my chest, feel free to ask any questions

Submitted May 26, 2022 at 01:51PM by Shadow_Lazer https://ift.tt/ivnxTda

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