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Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 1 - The GUTs of The Matrix

Lue, thank you for your time, efforts, and dedication to the morals and foundations of our republic! Take your leave and get some well deserved time to yourself. Your clues have highlighted possible weaknesses in the formulation of Q.E.D. I can only hope the knowledge is put to use for good, freedom, peace, and equality.

I suggest everyone watch Danny Sheehan from this point.


  • TL;DR
  • Added Videos Since Last Post
  • Past Post References
  • Introduction
  • Suggested Review Material
    • Suggested Books
    • Suggested Videos
    • Suggested Papers
  • The Standard Model
  • Theories and Frameworks
  • Limitations of Conceptualization
  • Spin and Spinors
  • Algebras of Physics
    • Geometric Algebras
    • Lie Algebras
    • Cayley-Dixon Algebras
  • The Matrix
  • Future Work


  • The current understanding from math to consciousness is an overly complexified hierarchy of scientific babble
  • One should study Non-Linear (Matrix) Algebra, Continuous Algebras, and Particle Physics to get a basic grasp of the problem at its core before trying to move up the ladder of abstractness - These posts will help guide you there
  • Physicists don't know how many dimensions make up our reality; but they are getting close.
  • Spinors and the idea of Spin are VERY important to this topic
  • Most Physicists don't understand Spin conceptually
  • The common algebras used to describe spin are inadequate, they hide information and put spin in the wrong geometry
  • Matrices lay the foundation of a description of the algebra that describe reality.
  • Matrix format descriptions are absolutely necessary so as not to veil information in the more abstract algebraic interpretations.
  • The properties of "The Matrix" will have non-associative and non-commutative properties
  • If you know "The Matrix" structure of reality, you can use that to understand and control it.
  • "The Matrix" is mentioned in the Bible (KJV) many times; thereby associating Theology With Physics
  • The authors of the bible don't want you to "open The Matrix"
  • Some suggested physics books and videos
  • A listing of possible future posts and their topics

Added Since Last Post

Videos added to the GitHub Web Page since 30 APR 2020.

Date Person Answer/Statement Analysis/Comments Interviewer/Venue Duration Link
2022-05-08 Lue 13:40 Other Q.M. realities Explorer Lab 1:09:44 https://youtu.be/R84kGo3tL14
2022-05-08 Lue 15:20 Other realities exist Explorer Lab 1:09:44 https://youtu.be/R84kGo3tL14
2022-05-08 Lue [26:00 The tech is Pandora's Box when it is acknowledged Explorer Lab 1:09:44 https://youtu.be/R84kGo3tL14
2022-05-08 Lue 38:10 "Introduction to modern optics" and "Mathematic Physics" books on his desk at AATIP The "Modern Optics" book just showed some possible problems with QED. Explorer Lab 1:09:44 https://youtu.be/R84kGo3tL14
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 9:30 UAP Faster than sonar Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 11:30 Hot Knife more than a hypothesis Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 28:30 Cigarette non-locality comment Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 36:10 Dean Radin Comment (Dean Radin does non-local and precognition studies) Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 50:30 Spacetime measure between two things to have time. Whole Size/Scale thing again. Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-04-21 Lue 44:00 Info Will Destabalize Religions ISU GEOL 1107 1:14:25 https://youtu.be/AywBWJyqcZU
2022-04-21 Lue 1:10:10 Hints detections coming from deep space. Same as stated by Mellon recently. ISU GEOL 1107 1:14:25 https://youtu.be/AywBWJyqcZU
2022-04-30 Lue Nada Callin at 1558s seconds Fessler 2:34:55 https://youtu.be/uRFk12p3-xU

Past Post References


To know the physics of consciousness, one must know biology. To know biology, one must know chemistry. To know chemistry, one must know physics. To know physics, one must know particles. To know waves, one must know forces. To know forces, one must know topology. To know topology, one must know geometry. To know geometry, one must know curves. To know curves, one must know algebras. To know algebras, one must know symmetries. To know symmetries, one must know matrices. To know The Matrix, you must be the one.

A more succinct format in decreasing abstractness:

  • Consciousness
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Particles
  • Forces
  • Topology
  • Geometry
  • Curves
  • Algebras
  • Symmetries
  • Matrices
  • The Matrix - The one that describes all forces, interactions, and time

One can see that there is a tower of knowledge that must be gained to fully appreciate the complexity of the issue. Unfortunately each level of knowledge is wrapped in a veil of domain-specific scientific babble that even experts in each area often confuse or misuse.

There is a mountain of information to scale before attempting to describe consciousness. Understanding of even one subset of each of these areas are entire fields of study unto themselves that would take more than a lifetime to dissect. An overview of the important topics will be presented here and in following posts. It is up to the readers to dig deeper into each of the subjects that are of interest to them.

This post will touch upon the Standard Model, Spinors, Grand Unified Theories, and the popular algebras that describe them. This is somewhat of an "odds and ends" post; there may be one more such technical post similar to this. Please bare along, there is a method to the madness. Its purpose is to lay the groundwork for future posts.

There aren't any earth-shattering revelations in this post, but there might be one hidden meaning in a Lue's Clue on how to properly think in the terms of physics.

Suggested Review Material

Suggested Books

DISCLOSURE: This author ** DOES NOT ** have any financial interests in the sale of any book, nor any personal relationship with any author.

  • "Lie Groups and Lie Algebras" (ISBN: 9781530187607) By Dennis Morris Amazon Abe Books

Suggested Videos

Suggested Papers

Cohl Fuery * Generations: Three Prints, in Colour * Charge quantization from a number operator * Standard model physics from an algebra? * SU(3)C×SU(2)L×U(1)Y(×U(1)X) as a symmetry of division algebraic ladder operators * Three generations, two unbroken gauge symmetries, and one eight-dimensional algebra

Many newer papers exist that may be of more interest than the above.

The Standard Model

The Standard Model of particle physics that we use today was finalized in the late 1970's. It describes everything we know and can measure in nature as particles and their interactions; excluding the force of gravity. The search for a model that unites the standard model with gravity is underway.

There are four known forces: * Gravity * Electromagnetism * Weak * Strong

INCOMPLETELY, the Standard Model can be summarized as:

  • Bosons - Force-Carrying Particles
    • Photon - Carries the Electro-Magnetic (E.M.) Force
    • W+/- & Z - Carries the Weak Force
    • Gluon - Carries the Color Charges to Mediate the Strong Force
  • Fermions - Spin 1/2 Particles
    • Leptons - E.M. & Weak Force Particles
    • Electron - E.M. & Weak Force Particle
    • Neutrino - Weak Force Particle
    • Quarks - Strong, Weak, and E.M. Force Particles

Neutrons and Protons are composed of three quarks each.

Quarks and Leptons come in three generations. Each generations is more massive (heavier) than the last and are shorter-lived.

Each particle can be described by a number of properties. The properties are: * Mass - Measured in Electron-Volts * Charge - Measured in fractions of 1/3 * Spin - Measured in fractions of ½ * Color – Measured in 8 different colors and different combinations

Every quark and lepton has an anti-particle. An anti-particle can and should be viewed as particle moving backwards in time. The anti-particles retain the same mass, but have inverted charges and other mirrored properties.

The weak force is responsible for nuclear decay, as well as for transmutation of protons to neutrons and neutrons to protons.

There is something VERY unique about the Weak Force. The weak force is what is assumed to give rise to the arrow of time and many other aspects of the weirdness and beauty of nature. Neutrinos only interact with the weak force.

Gluons hold Quarks together to make Protons and Neutrons. Gluons "Mediate" the strong force to hold atomic nuclei together.

There are a limited number of physical constants. Interestingly, or obviously, only six of the physical constants of the universe DO NOT deal directly with the strength of particle/field interactions. The constants that deal with particle/field interactions are called coupling constants.

Theories and Frameworks

Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED) is the study of particles interacting via the electromagnetic force. It is suggested to get a full background on it by reading the books in the Suggested Readings section, or at least watching the Feynman lectures on the topic. QED is where you see the famous Feynman Diagrams that describe particle interactions concisely.

Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) is the study of gluons and the Color Charge. Color Charge describes a different type of property that is reserved for Quarks. The color charge is carried by gluons and is responsible for binding the quarks to one another to create Neutrons and Protons. The color charge is what gives rise to the strong force. A component of the strong force is responsible for holding the nucleus of atoms together.

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is QED and QCD combined, on steroids, and much more complex. It treats everything as fields instead of particles.

Grand Unified Theories (GUT) are theories of everything. There are many GUTs, but none has been proven fully correct. GUTs generally have an underlying reality of five to sixteen dimensions. GUTs are often named after the algebras that describe them. Some examples of GUT names are SU(5), SO(10), String Theory, M-Theory, Super-Symmetry.

Limitations of Conceptualization

On the Youtube channel "Theories of Everything" Curt Jaimungal, u/curtdbz , had a conversation with Lue about unintentionally putting our thoughts into little boxes and worms conversing about human thoughts in that regard. The worms asked themselves "I wonder what kind of dirt humans eat? Only the best of course!" That conversation resonated with this author when first seeing the interview; but the importance in regards to the algebraic structure of reality didn't come until recently.

We live in a boxy, Euclidean, world: Length x Width x Height. By putting our minds in a box we are limiting our thoughts to be Euclidean in nature; often without realizing it.

Our reality at the smallest scale ** IS NOT EUCLIDEAN **! The Euclidean geometry of reality we perceive is most likely an emergent property of the base reality in which we reside.

Imagine a sphere in three dimensions. Most likely you are thinking about something like a ball floating in space. Imagine yourself inside that sphere standing on the inside edge of it. Now make the underlying shape of the reality you are in the sphere itself.

Here is the hard part; imagine a sphere in that space. You probably are thinking of another ball floating in 3D space. That though is absolutely and totally incorrect. What is the shape of a sphere in spherical space in which you reside? It sure as heck isn't the same as a sphere floating in Euclidean space.

Now walk around the inside of that space. Are you imagining yourself in three dimensions still? If you are, you are wrong. Squish that sphere down so that it isn't round when viewed from the outside so that it is 100 units wide and 1 unit tall. What does it look like to you inside the sphere who's entire reality is the squished sphere? It is unchanged. When you walk in a straight line, it is still a straight line to you regardless of the direction of travel. One needs to consider Flatland where the flatness may itself be a multi-dimensional ball of interconnectedness when conceptualized in three dimensions; but completely flat when inside the space itself.

This is NOT a new concept at all. However, the pitfalls of our 3D way of thinking force us to conceptualize much of what should be very odd multi-dimensional geometries into a 3D backdrop by nature; thereby completely misrepresenting what a rotation actually is. This video does a pretty good job of helping one conceptualize how difficult it is to imagine different geometries of space.

Is the underlying nature of reality spinorial? Are we conceptualizing spinors correctly? What other geometries and algebras give rise the type types of spinors observed?

It wasn't until near the end of the authorship of this section of the post that this author realized the importance of Lue's comments with Curt Jaimungal. The above comment and references to Lue and his conversation with Curt were added after-the-fact because it gave a nice introduction into these topics and how to think about the limitations of our 3D Euclidean conceptualization even when we try not to. If that was a Lue's Clue, it was a very deep and well-placed clue.

Spin and Spinors

Spinors are without-a-doubt the most important mathematical structure in the universe aside from whatever the full geometric shape of underlying reality is (assuming it exists). Eric Weinstein talks about them with Lex Freidman here..

If you didn't watch the suggested video: PBS Space Time - Spin, please do so. The concepts of spinors is probably the most or close to the most important idea in this post.

The idea of a spinor is that a 360 degree rotation only gets you half-way around the object that is rotating. It has to do "two" rotations to make a full turn. However, this idea that it has to turn "twice" is in itself flawed.

Do not think of a sphere that has to turn twice to get all the way around; it is more akin to a Mobius Strip. Here is a video with everybody's favorite Astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about Mobius Strips.

Imagine being on a Mobius strip, where all of reality is the Mobius strip. If you were to walk around it to get to the same point from which you started, you wouldn't have walked around it twice, you would have walked around it once. Yet when that object is embedded in our 3D world, you have to "go around it twice" to get to the start. That is once again limiting ourselves to think like a boxy worm.

In the theoretical physics world one will hear the term "Double Cover" over and over again. "Double Cover" is exactly this idea. The physicists are inadvertently thinking, or at least speaking, like these objects are embedded in a 3D or 4D reality, when in fact they really aren't; even if they don't mean to. Even if they aren’t imagining them embedded in a Euclidean-Like space, they still are not properly thinking of how rotations working in other constructions of empty space.

One should really view a 720 degree rotation as the underlying rotation to get back to the start of whatever object they are working with. Maybe we should call a standard 360 degree rotation a 1/2 cover. Yet again, even the idea of a 720 degree rotation in a spinor space itself is bad. In the spinor space it is just a full rotation and should be labeled as such; just like setting c=1=h-bar.

If you further compound the idea of these Double-Cover rotations with the "inappropriately conceptualized rotations" in the completely wrong type of space as pointed out by Dennis Morris in the aforementioned book there is no wonder why theoretical and mathematical physics is so confusing.

If a Mobius Strip is a one-dimensional spinor embedded in Euclidean 3-space. What would an 3-spinor embedded in a Euclidean-like 8-space be like? What if the underlying space is an 8-space of a spinorial construct? One can begin to see the difficulty of the ideas of spinors and spinor spaces.

Above it was suggested to watch: PBS Space Time - Spin. Remember how it had the cube rotating in a 3D scene? A Spinor represented as a 3D Cube embedded in a 3D Euclidean Space, rotating about a single axis. Do you still think that video was an accurate representation of spin/spinors?

The idea of spin, spinors, and spinor spaces become VERY important as you progress along the path of discovery (and in these posts). Always keep in mind that you are predisposed to think in Euclidean geometry even when you try your hardest not to.

"I wonder what kind of spinors humans think in? Only the very best boxy spinors of course!"

Algebras of Physics

Geometric Algebras

This author was absolutely enamored with Geometric/Clifford Algebras upon their discovery. The Clifford Algebra take what seems to be the absolute best of the other algebras and makes it incredibly easy to chain together long constructions in an arbitrary number of dimensions.

The Clifford algebras are extremely intuitive.

However, one can guess from the introduction why Clifford Algebras are so intuitive. They suffer from many of the same problems as Lie Algebras, but excessively more so.

Lie Algebras

Lie Algebras were created in the late 1800s. They are the most popular algebras in use to describe particle physics. Lie Algebras are generated and described by various types of matrices.

There are three general categories of Lie Algebras that are of importance:

  • U(X) - Unitary Group
  • SU(X) - Special Unitary
  • SO(X) - Special Orthogonal

In general Lie algebras describe, circles, spheres, spinors, and rotations of each.

The Unitary Group are just circles and spheres of X dimensions.

The Special Unitary Group can best be thought of as spinors, n-spheres, and rotations of spheres. The standard model is build upon this group SU(3) X SU(2) X U(1).

The Special Orthogonal Group multi-dimensional non-imaginary/flipped rotations.

The Lie Algebras have been used very effectively to describe the Standard Model; uncannily so.

However, there is a problem with Lie Algebras. There is an inherent, but well hidden bias in their construction.

In the Suggested Readings section "Lie Groups and Lie Algebras" was given. Despite this book's title, the book is actually a strategic nuclear bombing of Lie Algebras. It not-very-subtly corrals the reader into the more flexible Cayley-Dixon algebra constructions.

On pages 2 through 4 the author states:

"Lie theory is about rotations; your author asserts that if we misunderstand empty space, then we misunderstand rotations in empty space."

"Lie theory assumes all types of empty space are of the same nature as our 4-dimensional space-time. Lie theory completely ignores the very different nature of the spinor spaces even as it speaks of spinors. These spinor spaces are very unlike our 4-dimensional space-time."

"Spinor spaces are very different. For example, we can rotate in only three 2-dimensional planes (all Euclidean) within 4-dimensional Quaternion space. This effectively constrains rotation in Quaternion space to be in one of three intersecting circles. We cannot wave our arms around in Quaternion space. "

"The four 3-dimensional spinor spaces allow no 2-dimensional rotations; each of them has only one 3-dimensional rotation. Conventional Lie theory ignores the higher dimensional nature of spinor rotations completely."

The majority of the book is an absolute destruction of many of the hidden assumptions from which the Lie Algebras were constructed. It (and his other books) gives the Quaternion constructions of the various Lie Algebras and shows the full algebras in both matrix and symbolic representation that are hidden behind the Lie Algebras.

"I wonder what kind of boxy algebras humans think in? Only the very best Special Unitary Lie Algebras of course!"

Cayley-Dixon Algebras

Cayley-Dixon Algebras start with the common one-dimensional real numbers, double in size to be represented by two values, then four, eight, etc.

The first five construction names, their dimensions, and an example are given: * Real - 1 -> 4 * Complex/Imaginary - 2 -> 4 + 6i * Quaternion - 4 -> 4 + 6i + 1j + 4k * Octonion - 8 -> 4 + 6i + 1j + 4k + 5p + 2q + 8r + 9s * Sedenion - 16 -> You get the idea

Note that the plus symbols above aren't really "adding". They are representations to show that they are all part of the same "Number".

Each doubling causes a property of the algebra to be lost. One could argue that with each doubling a property isn't lost, but rather a veil of ambiguity is removed. Each doubling makes the algebra more pure, but at the cost of complexity for algebraic operations such as multiplication; the order of operations becomes important and meaningful; just like reality.

The Octonions are the last of the zero-divisor Cayley-Dixon algebras. At Sedenions certain operations become non-trivial to perform. There seems to be something very unique and interesting about the Octonions and their representation of the Standard Model.

One can assume, "Great, there is our X-Dimensional Cayley-Dixon Algebra.". However, the truth is that it is much more complicated than this. The true underlying Cayley-Dixon algebras, not just thier representation, are actually defined in matrix-format and the process to construct them are well outside the scope of this post.

An example would be the matrices that construct the various algebras such as E8).

This author's favorite GUT is the Octonion Representation (but the underlying algebra of choice to construct the appropriate Octonion is up for debate). Two strong contenders for the underlying algebras are E8 and M8; but they are not the only ones.

E8 is the algebra used by Loop Quantum Gravity.

M8 has become a favorite in many circles including those like Cohl Fuery.

There are in fact a VERY large number of algebras that could be constructed, it is a matter of searching for an algebra that matches what is observed; bonus if the algebra can be constructed from a fundamental principle of logic.

In such a construct, each of the forces may be described by N-Dimensional Algebras: * Gravity - 1 Dimensional * Electro-Magnetic - 2 Dimensional * Weak - 4 Dimensional * Strong - 8 Dimensional

Each of the higher-order algebras have four copies of the next-dimension-down algebra. These sub-algebras would interact with one another depending on how they mix with one another in a given matrix. The actions on the matrix would describe the various actions in reality. Coefficients could be pulled out or applied to the matrix that correspond to the various curvatures of the underlying algebras; which could then be viewed as constants of nature.

It must be explicitly stated that there may very well be a direct link between the number of doublings used to construct the algebras and the number of generations of Fermions. It probably is not a coincidence that three doublings result in three different generations. Note the paper: Three generations, two unbroken gauge symmetries, and one eight-dimensional algebra

The curvature of each dimension, or the difference of curvatures between dimensions of some geometric object underlying reality is opined to be proportionally related to the strength and nature of each force and mass of each particle. However, this is rightfully contested and only a matter of opinion at this point. Some mathematical physicists have show that the differences of force strengths and properties may in fact be rotations of lines, planes, and N-volumes in a multi-dimensional object.

Of note and importance is an understanding that one of the columns, rows, or diagonals in any matrix that is used to describe a GUT will be the "Real" component. In a Cayley-Dixon Algebra the first number is the "Real" number. In this reality we "Feel", we "Measure", we "Experience" the Real component. The Complex/Imaginary, Quaternion, and Octonion components of the algebra are just out of reach. These other components/degrees of freedom would absolutely have an effect on the Real component and would be the reasons for a change in the Real component. If one could perform a rotation on one of the "imaginary" components of the algebra that has an interaction with the Real component, the Real component would also rotate.

It should be mentioned that the non-commutative and non-associative aspects of the higher-order Cayley-Dixon algebras may in fact be what would give reality the preferred direction of time because these properties what could give rise to the oddities of the weak force.

There is something slightly hidden in the abstract interpretation of the Cayley-Dixon construction of reality. That hidden aspect isn't present in a matrix format. Recall the Roger Penrose interview with Eric Weinstein. He states that a complex number isn't really constructed or viewed as a plane; it is in fact a "complex line"; or in this case an "octonion line". So the dimensions could just be eight degrees of freedom that describe a line. Could our 3D world actually be three or four "octonion lines" that interact with one another? Three "octonion lines" and one "complex line" representing time? This is purely conjecture and will be pondered more.

The Matrix

The take away from all of this is that Physicists are searching for "The Matrix"; "The Matrix" that constructs an algebra that describes all of reality. If one understands "The Matrix", then one understands reality and time. If one understands reality and time, then one can control reality and time. What is the nature of "The Matrix" that you live in? "The Matrix" is going to be mostly symmetric, of high-dimensions, and with a few non-commutative and non-associative oddities that give rise to the more interesting aspects of reality like the weak force.

Lue said that the information they have would destabilize religions.

He also said that science and religion are one in the same the further up the pyramid you go.

Could he have been somehow linking this to "The Matrix" references in the bible? Please understand that I am in no way pushing or discouraging any religion; I just found the connection quite interesting.

Exodus 13:12

That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix ..

Exodus 13:15

.. I sacrifice to the Lord all that openeth the matrix ..

Exodus 34:19

All that openeth the matrix is mine ...

Numbers 3:12

.. all the firstborn that openeth the matrix ..

Numbers 18:15

Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh ..

It seems that the authors of the bible do not want you to open "The Matrix".


The following books will eventually be referenced. It may be worth while to purchase them for your own edification if you are so inclined.

  • "Physics from Symmetry" (ISBN: 9783319666303) by Jakob Schwichtenberg Amazon Abe books
  • "No-Nonsense Electrodynamics" (ISBN: 9781790842117) by Jakob Schichtenberg Amazon Abe Books
  • "QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter" (ISBN: 9780691083889) by Richard Feynman Amazon Abe Books

It is suggested to watch these videos in order:

If The Men In Technicolor don't pay a friendly visit to your favorite armchair theoretical physicist, the series of posts should go in the below order. The time frame for writing and releasing any of these is no longer set; if ever. Freedom for creative titles was generously sprinkled about.

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 1 - The GUTs of The Matrix

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 2 - Time for some Symmetries

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 3 - ELECtron yrteSYMM vs neutONIR YRTEsymm

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 4 - Destroying Causality to Create Reality

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 5 - Storage, Recollection, and Processing in Dual-Entropy Causality Loops

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 6 - Consciousness is Neurologically Controlled Exploitation of CPT Symmetry - An examination of ORCH OR

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 7 - CPT Symmetry Exploitation is Neurological Control of Consciousness - Hacking the ORCH OR mind for fun and profit.

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 8 - God - Ignorance - Freedom - Evil - Free Will - Innocence - Greed

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 9 - You are insane and you will prove it.

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 10 - Our hope is in our past; your hope is in our future.

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 11 - Magic Mirror On The Wall, What Destroyed QED Most Of All? Optics and Cosmic Inflation - If I get "disappeared" ...

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 12 - <Frozen music> Do you want to build a time machine? Someone is stealing bitcoin to buy sun screen! </Frozen music>

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 13 - You don't talk about fight club: Classifying the Unclassified

Have humility, show kindness, embrace empathy, be curious!

Submitted May 14, 2022 at 08:07AM by _throwaway_thekey https://ift.tt/mK3tXuO

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