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Monday, June 27, 2022

Men in Black Theory

Ok, first of all, I’m in the mood to be up front and honest about something that I never really talk about, even though it’s my favorite subject within the UFO realm.

I must admit I’m a little embarrassed about saying so, but I’ve had an unhealthy obsession with wanting to figure out the Men In Black mystery.

I realize it sounds silly, and it’s not as important as studying propulsion systems, reading about telepathy or even just imagining what another extraterrestrial civilization might be like.

I know this makes me a little bit of a weirdo, and that’s not the type of person I typically care to be viewed as, but since I care so deeply about getting the answer to the Men In Black deal, I‘m going to make an exception and not really worry about seeming like some freak to other people.

Like what % of UFO buffs would pick The Men In Black mystery as their favorite topic when you have the whole interdimensional vs extraterrestrial debate out there, and the future human vs parallel universe choices out there, I mean which is more probable, the future human or the parallel universe? Who would you bet on? Damn, that’s a really interesting question, which one of those two choices is more likely? That’s exciting shit right there for sure. And I know all of those topics dwarf the importance of the MIB mystery, but I really don’t care, because to me the MIB saga is the most interesting thing in the world. Not even just in the UFO subject, in the entire world of subjects. It’s just that fascinating.

Ok, now that I’ve admitted how damn lame I am, let’s review the Men In Black issue. These are guys that show up, usually at your place of residence, almost always two at a time, after somebody sees a UFO or has a close encounter. They are generally described as being tall and intimidating looking, and nearly always identical. Now here’s the thing, I haven’t even said anything that interesting yet. I mean, on the one hand it’s kind of weird to have 2 scary looking random dudes show up at your house just because you had an interaction with a UFO. On the other hand, it’s sort of expected, right, I mean it’s pretty strange, but then again so is the psycho-ness of the government in terms of how intense they are at making sure the secrecy lid on UFOs stays squarely strapped down, so their disinformation campaign and coverup can then run relatively unopposed by the reality of the situation — that UFOs are real. So the existence of the MIB and the government’s secrecy around UFOs are both a 10/10 on the strangeness scale, so they cancel each other out. Therefore, the strangeness of the fact that MIB exists really isn’t that strange given how much the government acts like they have on the line if the UFO secret ever got out.

Ok, so what then is really strange about the MIB? Why are they the most original invention since radio or air conditioning or video games or the the bacon cheeseburger?

Because of how they just show up put of nowhere and how freaky these guys look and how wacky they act, and because they have all kinds of special powers that only characters in cartoons have, and then to cap it all off, they can just disappear instanteously. And they leave the UFO witness super super confused. Like did that shit actually even happen? Like in real life?

Alright, so I’m pretty high right now so maybe I overdid it a little bit on how ashamed I was about being this damn interested in The Men In Black. I mean, now that I typed all that out, it deserves to be more interesting than people think it is.

These guys always roll up to somebody’s house in a black Cadillac, like that’s their choice of cars. So friggin weird. And you are always home alone, they never come over when you have any company. And then these 2 intimidating guys roll up to the door and they ALWAYS gain entrance. Like nobody ever looks out their door and says to themselves, “I’m home alone, I don’t own a gun, those guys look scary and threatening as hell, I’m just going to turn off the TV, tell my dog to be quiet and hope that these two guys that look like they want to throw me in a wood chipper for fun will leave my premises because they’ll just think I’m not home.“ I mean, wouldn’t that be the standard thing to do? These guys look like deranged psycho humans sent to slaughter me and leave no forensic evidence behind.

I mean, these guys are like 7 feet tall with black trenchcoats and black hats. They don’t look quite human but it’s hard to put your figure on exactly what is off with their appearance to make them seem non-human. It’s like, everything is just a little off, there isn’t anything too blindingly obvious for you to feel confident they aren’t human just going by looks. Their hair looks fake if they have any but usually they are bald, their skin looks too leathery, their eyes are too round and they don’t have eyelashes. And they always dress like it’s the 1950s, even if it‘s 2010. I’m just being honest, I’m a decently tough guy, like nothing that tough but definitely not an easy out in a fight or anything, and I’d be absolutely terrified if my doorbell rang at 10:00PM and I looked thru the peephole and saw these guys. I’ll admit it, I’d be absolutely shitting my pants.

But the craziest thing is, those thoughts never even enter the UFO witness‘ mind. He just opens up the door, every single time, and is oddly calm about it. That is totally insane! The very opposite of how any normal dude would act. Even if you would decide to open the door for whatever reason, you wouldn’t be all laid back about it. You’d be ready to fight for your life if you had to. That’s what would be on your mind, on the front of it if you are some average guy and maybe a little more in the back of it if you are tough. But either way, it would be on your mind, fight or flight, throw down or slam the door shut as fast as possible and hide. Maybe even ready to run for your life if need be.

But you wouldn’t be calm about it! That’s totally bizarre. Ok, so that’s the first really strange thing about the Men In Black fiasco. And then they usually walk into your kitchen and you feel powerless to control the situation. Just like you felt powerless to open the door all friendly, now you realize you are powerless over every aspect of the interaction, like you have zero chance of taking control. Nobody acts alpha around the Men In Black. Nobody. So they employ some kind of mind control over you and you lose all free will. They’ve just shown up in people’s bedrooms, too. Like out of nowhere. Bam!So you have no free will over their initial appearance out of nowhere, like how do they even know where you live and shit? It doesn’t matter, they know and they just show up, like they pop into this dimension and then they control the entire situation making you feel more beta than you’ve ever felt in your entire life. Think about it, it’s a complete loss of free will. When does that ever happen in life, besides the first few times you see a girl naked?

At the same time you are oddly calm, even though these bizarre looking guys look less and less human as time goes on. Really strange shit starts to happen to them, like their skin starts peeling and underneath you see something that doesn’t quite look like skin. It’s not the most obvious thing, I mean you are not totally confident their skin is non-human, there’s always a little doubt there, probably because they completely control your mind and you can’t even think for yourself anymore. And if they have fake hair or fake eyebrows, it usually starts moving unnaturally, like one eyebrow tilts 90 degrees or something when they are talking to you. And you still aren’t really sure they aren’t human, that nagging doubt is always just strong enough to outweigh the objectively obvious observation — they aren’t human.

So now that we’ve established that these guys aren’t even human, which is pretty damn strange don’t cha think? I mean seeing a UFO up close is weird and a low probability event. But seeing an actual non-human is 100 times weirder. It’s friggin crazy.

Ok, so you know these are probably not human beings but you can’t be absolutely sure despite all the evidence, and they are yelling at you and threatening you not to tell anybody that you saw a UFO. Like you really, really want to tell all of your friends and maybe family, at least the ones that won’t make fun of you, and you just can’t wait to tell them as soon as you possibly can that you saw a UFO up close, but now you absolutely cannot tell anyone.

Now hears what’s weird about that. They never actually threaten your life, they never say we’ll kill you if you tell anyone, they don’t say they’ll hurt your family or anything like that. But you know 100% that you will never tell anyone. These guys are that terrifying or that persuasive or both, but you won’t be telling anybody the coolest thing that ever happened in your lifetime? That’s so crazy. Think about that for a sec. That’s insane, it’s so contradictory.

They do all kinds of other really twilight zone stuff. Like they ask you to unplug your microwave, and they always say they’re somebody with the U.S. government or military, and they find and destroy your UFO pictures even though you didn’t tell them where they are located, and they melt a quarter in your hand without touching it or using any heat source. The quarter will just melt. Don’t even bother asking how the quarter got there. It just like appears in your hand. These guys are the best magicians of all time. Ok, then they say goodbye and what always happens is that the person shuts the door behind them and then looks out the window and they are never there. They just disappear. And their car is nowhere to be found. It makes no sense, like where the hell did they go?

So basically a bunch of interdimensional non-human clones that dress up in 1950s clothing and drive black Cadillacs regardless of the decade pop into your existence, take complete control of your mind, your thoughts and your emotions, beta the crap out of you, perform some really random magic tricks that aren’t tricks but actual reality, these guys have really serious superhuman powers… and then they just disappear back into the ether.

Alright, I don’t want to waste any more of your time on the actual event that is the Men In Black! It’s a full concert of weirdness that cannot be replicated by any other facet of the UFO realm. Everything about it is bizarre.

So let’s get to the theory, that’s really what this post was intended to be about and I’m sorry it took me this long to get to this part, but I just wanted to lay a decent foundation. I guess I’m a little defensive about caring so much about the MIB conundrum.

Well, after thinking about it for quite some time, here is the theory that I pieced together. Now I’m not saying this is definitive, like you could have a different theory and I wouldn’t think that you’re wrong. You could be right with a different way of thinking about this, I want to make that clear. But I also think this theory I developed is a pretty reasonable piece of speculation.

Ok, so the first thing that crosses my mind is who sent them?

I’m going to assume that somebody sent them or they sent themself, that it’s not some random event because they always show up within a few hours or a few days after you see a UFO close up.

I’m going to narrow it down to 3 parties. A non-human intelligence, an earth human intelligence or they somehow sent themselves.

Here’s the way I see it, who would have the motivation to keep those who see UFOs up close totally quiet?

The aliens might, because they are pretty surreptitious, using stealth mode in their UFOs, going invisible, taking off at high speeds so you can’t get a good picture of them. But wait, this was a close-up sighting! So maybe they are okay with being seen closeup, otherwise why allow it, they seem to have the tech to prevent it if they want. That last piece of logic makes me want to rule the aliens out as the ones who send the MIB. But wait, it’s still too early do that.

How about the government? They’ve been engaging in a pervasive disinformation and coverup campaign for 75 years. Yeah, it’s obviously them, no? They don’t want any citizen talking about UFOs being real, that’s too close to aliens being real and they are terrified of people finding that out. So they send the MIB, right? Maybe. It could be a little more complicated than that.

How about the MIB send themselves? The problem I have with this theory is that what is the threshold? Because there are a lot more closeup witnesses to a UFO sighting than there are MIB appearances. They don’t show up to 100% of people who had close encounters, it’s less common than that. So I’m ruling this choice out.

Ok, so we are down to the non-human intelligence (aliens) or human government.

How would the government be able to keep track close-encounter eyewitnesses to UFOs, especially in the 1950s when the technology to do so just wasn’t there? Impossible.

It’s got to be the aliens themselves on the UFOs. They would be in position to know who got a really close view of their craft and they know other non-humans, so they have the connections to send the alien MIB to the homes of eyewitnesses. It could even be the UFO itself automatically senses being viewed in a closeup encounter and that triggers an automatic signal to MIB headquarters, from where these interdimensional freaks can be dispatched.

But there’s two problems with that scenario. How would the aliens know where you lived? And how would they know when you are home alone?

And then there’s the issue of their appearance and their rides.

They always drive black Cadillacs. Those are American cars! Hmmmmm….

And they always dress like it’s the 1950s. Hmmmmmm…

Who doesn’t change the way they dress over time? Older men. And who works in the government‘s UFO cabal? Older men. And who drives Cadillac sedans? Older men. And who would think Cadillac sedans are the right car for the job of the MIB? American older men who work for the UFO cabal in the government!

Ok, so the government seems heavily involved with the MIB following up with some of the eyewitnesses who have close encounters. Not all, but some, remember the close encounters are more common than the MIB.

But there’s no way the government can track the closeup encounters, the surveillance tech, especially in the 1950s and 1960s when the MIB had their heyday, just wasn’t in place.

So the UFOs themselves must be responsible for the surveillance, they have to be involved somehow with the ordering process, too.

Ok, so here’s where we’re at right now.

Only some of the close encounter witnesses have dealings with the MIB, the government has the most motivation to keep things quiet by somehow ordering the MIB after a close encounter.

But how would the government have any relationship with interdimensional non-human MIB?

And if they did have some relationship, then wouldn’t the MIB be trained up better, so they don’t come across so unnatural and weird. Unless maybe that’s by design, for them to be even scarier that way.

I think the answer to the MIB conundrum is the following:

Both governments and aliens are involved together somehow in ordering the MIB.

The government has the motivation and the aliens have the access.

But then why are they only ordered some of the time, after only a fraction of the close encounters?

Well, there are 3 types or alien races with respect to the government.

Malevolent enemies, friendly allies or neutral bystanders.

I think the answer to the MIB enigma is that the government has an agreement with its allies’ UFOs only, and since those UFOs are only a fraction of the total UFOs out there, the close eyewitness encounters with a government‘s allies’ UFOs comprise only a fraction of the total close encounters.

The ally aliens or their craft register the close encounter, take a picture of the eyewitness and perform a telepathic remote viewing to determine where they live and when they will be home alone.

The friendly alien races have MIB already under contract because they’ve dealt with similar situations in the past, when a government wanted to keep UFOs a secret from their citizenry at all costs.

The government is given the choice to customize the dress and style of the MIB, and certain physical attributes like height, and since older men work in the MJ-12 cabal, the style and dress of the MIB has never changed since the 1950s. Even if sometimes a younger man replaces one of the older guys, there are always a majority of older men who don’t change the way they dress so their fashion gets stuck in the past. But what about after 40 or 50 years, shouldn’t the style of even the older men change during that long a duration? Sure it will, but these are old conservative men and their attitude is “if it aint broke, don’t fix it,” and their success rate with MIB has been so high that they don’t want to change anything about it. Besides, the black top hat with the black trenchcoat with the black Cadillac is pretty timeless and classic.

Oh, and the other thing the government chooses is the tall stature. They think that’s the most intimidating height and they’re right.

So that’s how I think the MIB puzzle is solved.

Again, it’s just my reasonable speculation, I’m not saying this is definitely correct, just that it manages to answer a nice amount of the puzzling attributes that comprise the MIB phenomenon.

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 01:11AM by EngineeringNo1675 https://ift.tt/EVUGLv9

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